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Let These Hundreds of Bulk Essiac Tea Testimonials Inspire You Today!

The essiac tea testimonials are listed in alphabetical order. Enjoy reading these unedited accounts from our customers.

Please note: The sheep sorrel in our essiac includes the root. It is 20% root - just as Rene Caisse recommended. Read more about sheep sorrel and essiac.

Click here to order your own supply of Essiac tea. It costs just 75 cents per day to use and takes just 10 minutes once every two weeks to prepare.

Click on the links to jump-to a particular condition, or scroll down to see all of the testimonials.

Adrenal Gland Cancer Stage 4
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Bladder Cancer
Blood Cancer
Blood Pressure
Blood Problems
Blood Sugar Issues
Bone Cancer
Bone Cancer in Dog
Bowel Movements
Brain Cancer
Brain Tumor
Breast Cancer
Breast Lump
Cancer in Dog
Carcinoid Cancer
Cats--General Health
Cellulitis and Laminitis in Horse
Pre-Cancerous Cells in Cervix
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
Colds and Viruses
Colon Cancer
Colon Problems
Dog with Bladder Cancer
Dog with Bone Cancer
Dog with Cancer
Dog with Colon Cancer
Dog with Congestive Heart Failure
Dog with Thyroid Cancer
Dog with Tumor
Dry Cough
Endometrial and Uterine Cancer
Esophageal Cancer - Stage 4
Ewings Sarcoma
Fat Nodules in Abdomen
Follicular Lymphoma
Gallbladder Condition
General Health
General Illness
Growth on Skin
Hay Fever
Hepatitis C
IBS and Chronic Pain
Immune System
Insomnia and Cancer
Intestinal Cancer
Joint Issues in Pets
Kidney Function
Kidney Infection
Kidney Tumor
Large B Cell Progressive Lymphoma
Leg Cramps
Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer
Lung Infections
Lung Problems
Lymph Node Cancer
Mammary Gland Cancer
Metal Poisoning
Multiple Myeloma
Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Ovarian Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic Tumor
Progressive Large B Cell Lymphoma
Preventive/Staying in Remission
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Condition
Rectal Cancer
Salivery Gland Tumor that had Metastasized to the Lungs
Small Intestine Cancer
Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Dog
Spine Cancer
Stage 2 Bladder Cancer
Stage 4 Breast Cancer
Stage 4 Cancer
Stage 4 Cancer in Dog
Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer
Stage 4 Lung, Bone and Brain Cancer
Stage 3 Melanoma
Stage 4 Melanoma
Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma
Stage 4 Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Stage 4 Prostate Cancer
Stage 4 Stomach Cancer
Throat Cancer
Thyroid Cancer in Dog
Thyroid Problems
Tumor Under Arm
Type II Diabetes
Thyroid Condition
Weight Loss

Featured Testimonial: Myxofibrosarcoma

This video includes Roland Witzgall's fully story. Here is a summary:

Roland is from North Andover, Massachusetts. Earlier this year he found a lump on his bald spot. They took a biopsy and confirmed that it was cancerous. 

The Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston MA suggested to have it removed and then do a biopsy.

After the removal there would be plastic surgery and there would be a need to graft skin from his leg to his bald spot. However, his cardiologist told the oncology surgeon that his heart wasn't strong enough to have an operation.

Thank goodness, Roland remembered hearing about essiac tea a long time ago and performed an internet search. He found On May 9, 2016 he started making the tea 3 times per day. Within a month the lump started to shrink. A month after that, the lump was almost completely gone! As of March 2022, his scalp is completely clear of any growths. He plans to continue taking the tea for the rest of his life due to the preventive aspects.

essiac tea testimonialsWe love receiving essiac tea testimonials ...and we love sharing them with you!

Adrenal Gland Cancer Stage 4

June 20, 2022

I been taking this for 1 week. I have lung cancer and been in remission for 3 years, however it moved to my adrenal glands and metastasized so I been on this. I feel so much better. I feel full of pep and will be getting pet scans every 6mo. i feel it is working. My body is doing better than before. Some things cleared up already. So i will be a long time user as I know it will knock the cancer carcinoma completely. Glad I found this product. Thank you.

Wanda Roderick


April 20, 2022

Hi Gina, I hope all is well with you, Bryan and your loved ones. I wrote a note on your wall tonight to thank you publicly. I can't tell people the nature of my illness but I am comfortable with you and Bryan. I got great news today. My CD4 cell count went from 360 to 520 in 4 months. It took 6 years to get it to go from 130(aids) to 360(so so) but with the use of the tea it jumped 160 points in 4 months. Optimal would be around 700-1100 so I will keep drinking the tea because I feel so much better and there is clinical proof. My hemoglobin count went from 9 to 13 also which is great because I was borderline anemic. Thank you again for all your generosity. I am working out again, I joined a band, I am a drummer and sing. The bands name is The Southern Point band from St. Petersburg , Florida. You can see our web site. I use the stage name..Jimmy West...It sounds better than my real name. I will send an order in for some tea in September.

Jim Meister


Hello, I hope this letter finds you well. Hope the business is doing well also. I must say that I feel so much better it's amazing. Thank you so much for keeping me going with the essiac tea. I am back on my drums again and trying to find work , at least part time so I can make it . I also have gotten much stronger and have not been sick since I started on the tea. I drink a lot of it. 4 3 oz glasses a day but it has helped so much. I get my labs done this week and will have the news back in two weeks so we will see what has happened to my CD4 count and my viral count and creatin levels from my kidneys. I should have some money soon so I can make a purchase of tea. You have given me a new life. Bless you, you are Gods Angels, healing the sick in a merciful way. Your rewards will be great here and in Heaven. You have been made it possible for a saint {Christian} to be well.



July 20, 2021

I am writing for my mother who ordered the tea, but doesn't use e-mail.

She said that she is very happy with the tea and that she drinks it and it helps with her acid reflux and her numerous allergies.

Thanks for checking in with her.

-Steve Vanderhei


May 12, 2022

This was purchased for detox and cleansing of toxins in my body to help with arthritis and for a coworker who I'm blessing with the products as well. She is a 2x cancer survivor and has started taking the products as a maintenance after treatments. We are both enjoying the essiac tea and are noticing slight changes in digestion, but the key is what is surely happening without our knowing.


Buda Texasocti

October 20, 2021

My pains from my barrett's esophabus which started to get out of control disappeared after taking Essiac. I now make my own and take 75mls twice a day also my arthritis in my hand has gone away.

David Alcock

March 12, 2020

Like so many other people this past year has been more than challenging. My follicular lymphoma was less than stable and not wanting to return to oncologists who wished to scan me multiple a year I read and came upon Gina and Bryan’s amazing offer for help. I reached out as my fiance had just been diagnosed with diabetes after a heart attack and we had a leak in our roof and all was pushing my body beyond its limits, particularly as I was fixing the roof with no other financial options. 

Without hesitation Gina sent the Essiac. 

I have tried Essiac tablets in the past but did not see great results. This time was far better. The herbs are full of the fragrance of freshness and was amazed at the quantity of the herbs that settle. My appetite improved as did my energy. My lymph nodes size decreased dramatically and I lost issues impacting my range of motion due to affected lymph nodes, particularly in my groin. I also noticed detoxifying benefits. My osteoarthritis has also improved in decreasing inflammation and pain. After three months of using this excellent quality 8 herb blend I have hope for the future which the doctors had not given me. The doctors were only interested in scaring me into treatment while my lymphoma was not transforming which does not improve overall prognosis. Gina and Bryan also sent me a second 3 month supply, like the first on them. 

I am deeply grateful and will be placing an order when I run low again. it has allowed me to tackle great challenges in a year of extraordinary events.

Thank you both for your extraordinary kindness and commitment to helping people you have never met. 

Rene Caisse would be so proud of you for carrying on the tradition she adhered to for decades.




November 30, 2022

I have an autoimmune liver desease among other things. I am 76 and I think it helps my aching joints and Fibro too. But they told me I would die if I didnt get a liver transplant. But here I am!!!

God keep on blessing you and yours.


Basal Cell Carcinoma

March 10, 2019

I have been a customer for a few years now, and am convinced the tea helps keep my basal cell carcinoma at bay, and, in fact, in combination with morning and night applications of moringa oliveira oil, may have helped heal one BC on my face that was almost 1/4-inch in diameter and maybe 1/16-inch deep.

Thanks again,

Terese Driscoll

Bladdar Cancer

June 15, 2022

I take Essiacs tea becaue its the best thing for cancer you can get. Before finding this site I bought it from Canada. Very high cost. In 2009 i was told i had stage 2 bladder cancer. Chemo/Radiation screwed me up. Went on essiac. Its now 3/2/16 and I'm Cancer free.

Dave Morris

January 15, 2022

We have been ordering your tea for about two years now, we started using it after my husband got bladder cancer, the last time we were at cancer treatment centers the doctor said he wished all his patients bladders look as clear as my husbands did. I am certain the tea has helped and we will continue to take it. He goes back in July for his next 6 months checkup which I know with your tea and Gods grace all will be fine. Thank you for all you do to help others.


December 23, 2021

I can't say enough about your product. Not only did it deal with my prostate cancer but last Fall I went to visit a friend who was dying of bladder cancer which had spread throughout his body. He'd been on chemo, etc., all to no avail. I talked him into trying the tea.Six weeks later when I checked in he was cancer free and going to the gym. Need I say more? I'll be back for more.. for use as detox on a regular basis.

Huntington Barclay

November 10, 2021

I continue with Essiac that I buy from your company because I believe it is a quality product. 

I was diagnosed with bladder cancer last Autumn, and began doing research into prevention and treatment. I do not believe the medical establishment is doing much to cure and prevent cancer. I found out about Essiac through cancer survivor stories, and started with the stuff in the green bottle that the Canadian company puts out. After finding the quote from Rene Caisse regarding the importance of using the WHOLE sheep sorrell plant, and realizing the Canadian company was using the leaves only, I looked around some more and found your company. 

I won't go into graphic detail as to how I knew something was happening before I had the surgery to remove to tumor, but I will say this: the pathology report described the mass removed as being "Rubbery to friable (crumbly)," which sounded an awful lot like what Rene herself described when she said tumors treated with Esssiac hardened and then began to crumble. I had only been taking Essiac for a little more than a month. 

I have yet to have a cystocopy since the tumor removal, but my urine test after one month showed no blood or cancer cells. I recommend Essiac all the time, and it's your website that I refer. 

I don't know what the future holds, and I know we all have to go sometime. There is no cure all, but based on the thousands of testimonials out there, I believe Essiac is a serious tool for fighting the good fight. 

My thanks and very best to you and Bryan,


September 10, 2016

I bought the tea for my mom in CT a few weeks ago for her bladder cancer.  I also strongly recommended my friend get some for her husband to treat his bladder cancer. After 6 weeks taking the tea his blood test came back negative; he no longer has cancer. He's very excited.  The doctor stopped his chemo he had been getting since Nov 2010.  I don't have any test results on my mom yet but I'm sure they'll also be as good.

Patricia Taft

January 24, 2012

Got a call day before yesterday evening from my mom who calls your office regularly (Margaret Brown). I bought her 1st order of E. Tea for her to remove her bladder cancer. It worked with several side benefits.  I can tell talking to her on the phone she is happier, more energetic, has a sense of well being.  She is cancer free per the CAT scan, blood tests & the biopsy.  Took around 6 weeks to heal her.  She's so happy, she tells me I healed her but we know it's the E. Tea. : )

She just turned 80 and found out a week before her birthday from the aforementioned test results that she's cancer free. What a great birthday gift. (1st week of Sep 2011).

The MD's want to do more radiation to remove the cancer that cannot be 'seen' thru their tests but my mom has no more pain, and now slept thru an entire night w/o having to get  up to go the bathroom (urinate) 2 nights ago for the 1st time since getting the cancer.  This means she may be able to travel to be see various grown children and grandchildren. My mom had to give that travel up but hated to.

It's true that Essiac Tea gives back the quality of life we all desire right up to the day we die.

Thanks for making it available at a great price. My sister Melanie Brown-Porter will be ordering some for her own use after seeing the great benefits in our mom.  My daughter Shania, 9 years old, also thanks you for saving her gran'ma.



February 22, 2018

No more bloating. Also I now have regular bowels while I'm traveling. This is huge for me.


Blood Cancer

August 4, 2020

My husband has been taking this for about 3 months. He was diagnosed with a kind of blood cancer, his white blood cell count was high as well as his hemoglobin count. His bilirubin count was also high so his cancer doctor wanted him to see a liver specialist also. He was on 4 pills a day of a kind of chemo drug which he is supposed to take for the rest of his life. At each blood draw (which is about every 2 weeks) his white cell count has come down. It is now in the normal range, his hemoglobin count is also within normal. He went to see the liver specialist and his bilirubin count has also went down and the doctor was not alarmed and no action will be taken. The doctor has taken one pill away so far and we are hoping he will not need the pills eventually. Thank you for this product! He has even begun telling the nurses and doctors about it. We highly recommend this.


Blood Pressure

September 10, 2022

The tea is wonderful! My blood pressure is now normal and all systems are firing top notch and clean.

I give credit to the essiac tea taken daily as a support to my health.  prescription drugs needed here.

Thanks so much and will continue to order as my supply runs low.


August 12, 2022

My husband is taking the tea for his blood pressure and doing good. Thanks for checking in!! 

Judy Larson

January 10, 2020

So far it has gotten rid of my blood pressure which was creeping up over the last few years ... it’s now normal. All the time.... I’ll see if it’s helps my RA

Dawn Twilley

December 14, 2019

My mom has been on the tea for a couple months now for her high blood pressure. She fels great!


Blood Problems

January 11, 2021

It seems as though the tea helped to clean my blood system, what I thought might be cancer

was possibly an infection, and now it seems to have deminished to almost nothing. I do believe the tea helped. I am doing better, and may the Lord JESUS CHRIST bless you and your family forever.

Steven Guritz

Blood Sugar Issues

February 17, 2020

Your Tea is very high quality...I have noticed tremendous benefits... I no longer have blood sugar issue's at all.. Amazing stuff ! thank you so much.....

-Jason Honor

Bone Cancer

May 4, 2011

I just want to tell you that we so much appreciate your company. You are the first group that has stood by your promise and you gave us a chance for life.

When we asked for help when my wife was diagnosed back in January 4th 2011. you quickly responded to our need by sending us free 6 month supply of essiac tea.

We harvested some of our timber and were able to buy the 14lbs of essiac. We will in June or July buy another 2 14lb boxes.

Why will we do this you may ask. It is because my wife just had new blood work ups and pet scans April 26 2011. Her cancer tumors have reduced in size by some 50 to 60% and others 75% there is no cancer in any of her body organs at all.

My wife's cancer was all the way to her bone and even those areas have reduced. She didn't qualify for surgery, chemo or radiation because of her heart. She doesn't have any trouble with her heart and we have elected not to pursue any more treatment than the hormone treatments she has been getting.

Now we know she has terminal cancer but we will continue her regiment till it dissipates or stops the growing of the cancer all together. In either case she will be continuing to take the tea and diet changes we made

Also I am now on the same regiment as my wife because my PSA numbers are high. It means that my chances for prostate cancer is about 25% so I am heading off the chances by beginning the same regiment as my wife.

Now do I think that I can claim essiac tea did it or cures it ? I don't know but our close friends wife that is 86 years old had colon cancer last year and she is now cancer free. she and her husband never sought any conventional cancer treatment except essiac tea and maple syrup mixed with baking soda. They fund out cancer can not grow in alkaline blood with PH levels of 7.5 to 8 . I did some research online and found some studies that show alkaline Ph levels that are in the range I mentioned don't suffer cancer.

I am sharing this with you so you know we are making progress to good health and it is because of your promise Kept that saved my wife's life.

We are forever grateful to you all for that gift.

We will continue to keep you informed of our progress. I am making a link on my face book page for you.

Robert A Sweet Jr and Nancy Sweet.

July 20, 2010

Things could not be better. My dad has been taking this for 3 years and has beat terminal bone cancer. I also have two other friends taking it on there own and are also beating cancer. I take the tea 2-3 times a week for the immune boost and I’m a different person.

Nothing but good news from me!

Joe Nimey

Bone Cancer in Dog

August 10, 2021

My dog got bone cancer last July & I had her leg amputated. I knew I wasn't going the kemo route. I heard about your tea & now swear by it. My dog is now 5 and kicking butt! I credit the tea, her diet, some pills I mix in w peanut butter, and a positive attitude that I value everyday.

Whatever is in the tea I love it and than you for it?? vets said max 1 year, so we're beating all odds and enjoy life to the fullest. Many people ask what happened to your dogs leg? I steer the direction to the healing of her leg & how people and animals that use this tea swear by it. I'm so blessed to still have my best friend here for more holiday celebrations. Thank you so much! My mom is buying this round of 12 4 oz packets so this will be my 4th order and hope to b a customer for many years to come. 

-My Sincerest Thank You

Bowel Movements

February 10, 2023

Hello Gina. I'm still taking the tea faithfully. I was extremely ill this spring, lost 40lbs and began using the tea after I left the hospital.Essiac has regulated my bowel movements to a great degree. I've been a borderline diabetic for well over 15 years and now I'm right in the middle of the range. I've gained back nearly 30lbs which I needed to do.

My overall opinion of Essiac Tea is a positive one and I recommend it to people who are suffering from various ailments and diseases that the tea is purported to help according to your listed testimonials. 

I am planning to renew my order for the tea when my supply runs out.


November 12, 2022

My husband and I do a daily dose of this tea for "maintenance." It does wonders for regularity issues. A close friend of ours has been through chemo and radiation, and took opioids for pain. He is very grateful to have the tea which helps his bowels (don't mean to sound crude, but it's a big help!). Our dog had serious issues and this tea has given him a second chance. He is elderly and had skin problems and ear infections. He's doing MUCH better. This tea is amazing.


Alpharetta, GA

Brain Cancer

March 8, 2022

Did we tell you about our friend who recently had a tumor removed from her brain? If not let me tell you what her doctor said after the operation. She had been taking the tea we gave her for one month before the operation with an exceptionally good result. After the operation her doctor said, "I knew that Essiac Tea could cure cancer but I did not know that it could shrink tumors. We had taken pictures of the tumor one month before the operation and when I operated I found that the Essiac Tea had indeed shrunk your tumor."

Jack Wilson

Brain Tumor

March 11, 2022

A friend that had cancer has taken your product and has been in remission now for 2 years

To those of you that have been following our use of the essiac tea for various illnesses this may be of additional interest.

A lady here Kokkola just had a very serious brain operation. Her brain specialist took pictures of the tumor a month or so before the operation and again immediately prior to the operation. 

Today the lady informed us that the doctor told her that her tumor had shrunk during the month prior to her operation. During that period of one month the lady had been taking the essiac tea in doses of 3 ounces each 3 times a day.

We had read many testimonials of the essiac tea being able to shrink tumors but this is the first time we have had it confirmed by someone so close to us. This is the wife of our previous church branch president.

The doctor also added that he knew that the essiac tea could help in stopping cancer but had not known that it could also shrink tumors.

We will keep you informed on this subject as time goes by as many of us are taking the essiac tea for various health reasons.

If any of you have any questions, especially about what the Chinese have done to prove the success in cancer patients, please ask us.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Jay Kachelski

Breast Cancer

Metastatic Carcinoma Breast Cancer - Gotten into the Bone Marrow Essiac Tea Testimonial from Gina Paolino Paulhus on Vimeo.

August 22, 2023

Hi, my name is Grace Atkisson and I live in Weatherford Texas and I'm 65 years old. I wanted to share how I'm so thankful that I've learned about this Essiac Tea because I was diagnosed in March of this year with metastatic carcinoma breast cancer that had gotten into my, through my lymph nodes, into my bone marrow. And I stage four, so there was no cure. The doctors told me.

So I did call Bryan to see if there had been any good results with the Essiac tea treating the cancer that had gotten into bone marrow. And he said that yes, there was it might take a little bit longer than the other cancers and that I would need to take at least six ounces three times a day. So I religiously was taking that and giving it a try because I had several friends that had had good results with the Essiac tea So I, by the middle of May, I was feeling much better.

I'm a very active person. I take care of my grandchildren, I do water aerobics and I do gardening, and I love learning and I love teaching. So I am so thankful to be able to have had the feeling better with the Essiac tea. And I just wanted to share that the scan that I had on the 26th of June showed that the cancer was, it's, it's, it's just gone. I mean, there's no signs of it.

There's substantial reduction of any signs of the cancer and it was a large mass in in my chest and in my spine and in my femur. So I'm very thankful and hope that others get the great results that I have. Thank you.

Grace Atkisson

August 15, 2022

I started taking Essiac when I had a local recurrence of breast cancer; it was TNBC the 1st time and ER+ the 2nd time. I decided on double mastectomy with no reconstruction (4/26/22).

I have been taking the 6oz a day, 3 x day, since March. I just got my labs done (8/8/22) along with tumor markers; my blood work was PERFECT and my tumor markers are going down; they have been in the middle of normal range and are trending down. The real test will be in December when I get a PET scan.

I feel fantastic on this stuff! I hate the taste but I add 6 drops of organic stevia to each 6 oz dose and that helps a lot.

Gina’s been in contact and was helpful in confirming that I was taking the correct dose for my condition.

I have my sister on it in hopes of it helping with her Type 2 diabetes…can’t hurt. Might help. If it doesn’t help with her diabetes, I’m sure it will help with her overall health.

Kim Burr

June 15, 2022

I originally heard about Essiac Tea from The Truth About Cancer. You see, I am a 5 year breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer when I was 43 years old. It was a very aggressive cancer. Unfortunately I didn't know about TTAC or Essiac Tea until I had been through all the cancer treatments. But when I learned about Essiac Tea I knew that I wanted to try it.  I don't want to go down that path again.  I did a lot of research online on different kinds and suppliers of the tea. Your website and your tea seemed like the best choice for me. I chose your tea after reading your entire website and all the information you presented on your tea and why it is different from other Essiac Teas.  

I started out taking the tea 3 times a day for approximately 2 months. I have since backed it down to twice daily and currently I take it once a day. I don't have an exciting story to tell on how I beat cancer with it. But I can say that I feel better when I take it on a regular basis. I couldn't take my tea on vacation with me. And I noticed a difference when I couldn't take it. And I can say that since I have been taking it my cholesterol has gone down over 20 points!  This is amazing for me as I have tried everything to get it down naturally and nothing has worked. 

I will always drink my Essiac  Tea. I will never be without it. I guess if you have any advise on how much I should drink daily please let me know. 

I am more convinced than ever that I picked the right company when deciding to try Essiac Tea. Thank you so much for your email. It means so much that you really care about your customers. I will be re-ordering soon. Thank you so much!!


Kristine Kussro 

September 6, 2021

Had breast cancer in 2012. Heard about Essiac tea and tried it. Have been on a maintenance dose for at least 9 years. I’m grateful for this product and believe it has helped me stay healthy all these years. Also use it with my two dogs.


August 30, 2021

I have been drinking it daily for 10 years ever since I refused treatment for breast cancer. I chose to survive with it and continue my life with wellness tennis, skiing, and friends. I have told only a few people, to avoid any discussion. Thanks for providing tea for me.   


December 10, 2018

My name is Gretchen Ewald. I live in Colorado. I was diagnosed stage 3 breast cancer in 2015, I used essiac tea for at least 3 years more so on then off! Essiac is absolutely the right herbs for cancer!!! I am half Native American and beat my cancer completely natural NO CHEMO, RADIATION or SURGERY! 

There's a lot of essiac tea out there you guys are only one I found with the original herbs!!! 

When I was consistently on essiac, big DIFFERENCE in PAIN! I have referred a lot of people your way and Not just for cancer, essiac is GOOD for A LOT of different ailments!! 

Gretchen Ewald

November 6, 2018

Thanks - I required for daughter with breast cancer, tumors shrinking!

Deborah Taylor

July 14, 2018

I'm a seven year survivor of breast cancer.  I like your product and will order more

Chrissie Glota

February 28, 2017


I'm writing just to say thank you.

You probably have no idea how much your generosity and support mean to me.

Last year I was diagnosed with a breast cancer recurrence, and was told that we would not be able to get rid of the cancer, but only try to control it for as long as possible.

Essiac was the first thing I started taking 3x/day, and within days, the tumors shrunk by more than 50%. I implemented more holistic treatments and made lots of dietary changes, Within 10 weeks my tumor marker was almost in the normal range of 40 or below, then dropped to 22, and at the last measure was at 18.9! My doctor can't detect any sign of tumors, and is stunned.

I am committed to continue essiac for the rest of my life. I know it has saved me, and I am recommending it and your company to everybody I know, especially those who are currently impacted by it.

I am  blown away by your generosity and kindness and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is absolutely astounding how wonderful I feel, and that we have achieved results despite the medical field's dire prognosis :-). I know I will remain cancer free, due to essiac. Thank you again!

Ingrid Dinter

November 10, 2016

I had Breast Cancer, that went to my Lymph nodes and to my neck

I used Beta Glucans, spirullena, and Chorella, and Essiac tea

 I only did 3 Chemos, and I was supposed to do 8.  and I am in remission

My other advice? Get rid of all your alluminum pans and your microwave, eat plenty of green veggies, and fruits.

Shelby Lansing

June 6, 2016

I just want to let you know that all is well. I am very pleased with the product. I ordered it for my mom who had breast cancer a year ago. 

Her most recent mammogram came back clear. Yay!!!!

I have a dear friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. I am going to recommend she view your site.

Peace to you,

Desiree Nowaczyk

September 15, 2015

I have been taking the tea since February 2015, when I finished my chemo treatments for Breast Cancer.

I took 3 doses (3 oz.)  a day for 6 months and am now taking the tea (about 3 oz.) twice a day.

I am feeling pretty well.  Just some long term issues from chemo. Feel blessed that I am cancer free.

I feel that I will remain that way, since I believe that the tea will really help keep cancer away.

I have recommended the tea to friends, don't know if they have purchased any of the tea.

I tell them it is well worth the money.  Only about $25.00 a month, which is cheaper than a RX drug.


Breast Lump

February 10, 2023

I have dense breast and had  what seemed to be a new lump. I have been drinking the essiac tea every other day.  The lump appears to have moved or went away. I have  noticed this from self exams. But I do still plan to get a check up.

We wish to thank you dearly for the free essiac you first sent to us. People have done so well in helping in our time of need due to the many bills etc. But I feel so much better than I had 2 years ago. So I am very thankful to God for restoring my health. I still use essiac for maintenance and the vitamins the Dr. gave me in Mexico.

May God Bless you!

Bretta Blanton

October 12, 2022

Praise God for leading me to discover your product. It is amazing! I have had a lump/or cyst growing slowly for years and I can tell that significant positive change is happening. I am feeling a very high/improved sense of well-being/health. The lump/cyst is slowly getting smaller. It has been nearly 2 months drinking the tea. I also apply castor oil pack a couple times a week which I know helps as well. I cannot thank you enough for making this product affordable. Your Essiac tea works! And I pray over it each time before I drink it and give thanks to my Lord Jesus!I will update this review again.

Marilyn M 

August 13, 2021

Took for 9 mos for breast issues. Was very pleased with the results. No longer feel lump or have pain. I’d recommend this product. Thanks.


March 6, 2020

Hello Gina, thank you so much for checking up on me. I am well, I don't know if I did have breast cancer, but I knew that if I went to the doctor he would want to do a biopsy and probably everything else, and I couldn't face that.

A part of my breast was red and inflamed and it seemed to have a lump the size of a marble. I started taking the  tea and doing some detox and taking B17, and little by little the inflammation went down and then the lump started to go down as well until I couldn't feel anything. Then I went to the doctor and she didn't find anything either. Did a mammogram and that was also negative. So that is my history and thank God I am fine.


Carmenza Wagner


February 18, 2023

Seems to have done it's job - what was being said to be cancer ended up being non cancerous tumors- so I would say it worked.

Alan Page

January 12, 2023

I chatted with you over year ago I used the tea few times. I've turned several family members on to you. I just ordered me some more.

I NO longer have cancer, i helped my body heal itself naturally. Yay.

Kim Hawkins

January 5, 2023

I've had 4 different cancers. After taking the tea for 2 years now, i have no new cancers! God is Good and so is the TEA!

Diane Rais

November 10, 2022

I have been using Gina and Brian's Essiac tea for a few years now. I had a test done that showed the presence of cancer in my body. After about 6 months that I started taking Essiac tea twice a day I had another test done. It showed exactly the same number, which meant that cancer hadn't progressed.

I asked Gina and she said that to remain the same, two doses per day were needed, but that to get better, 3 doses per day were necessary. So i have been taking 3 doses per day since last August. I have yet to be retested again and I'm hoping that it would get better. My husband also started taking it because he had high parameters indicating prostate cancer in his blood test and now his numbers are lower. Gina and Brian are also excellent when it comes to customer service. They can be contacted easily via phone or email and answer all questions.

Overall, I'm sticking with this product. It is one of if not the best one on the market.

Regina Cummings

October 28, 2022

My mom could not breath or eat, and spent most of her days in bed. She was losing weight. Breathing issue began 12 months ago and every month it was getting worse, especially in the afternoon. She refused to go to doctor's office or to a hospital. But she agreed to drink this 8 herb tea, and just 2 weeks later she is breathing fine and started eating regularly. She drinks 3 oz only twice per day, not 3 times, but she is a very small human, weights around 90lbs.

She also had a sore in her eyes, ears, lips and gums for months, which I hope will go away with a few more months on Essiac.  

I believe she had some sort of cancer in her breathing organs, digestive system and her head. 

I'm very happy with the health improvement I can see. 

Greetings from Vilnius city, Lithuania


September 20, 2022

I'm using this tea in conjunction with cancer treatment. I've seen good results so far.


September 10, 2022

Just had my 18 month checkup and I am still cancer free, thank you.  It is nice to have the more 

affordable non-labeled tea product.  Thank you again for making it available. 


August 8, 2022

I am doing great. 

I am now 5 years cancer free.

Use Essiac tea maintenance dose.

I love it!

Thank you.


July 27, 2022

I have been Stage IV cancer into my 12th year from day one. I have used Essiac Tea for about 10 years. My doctors have been astounded. I am 70 years old and take no drugs of any kind except for 2.5 prednisone which I will stop in about 2 weeks. Folks take charge of your health. No one else can do it for you. 


Junio 3, 2022

Susie is cancer free and is doing great she will continue taking Essiac tea from now on.We'll tender another order a bit later this fall.



November 5, 2021

William has been cancer free since February 2021!! Thank you both.


September 15, 2021

I am 72 years old and I have been taking the maintenance dose of Essiac Tea for many years.  I heard about Essiac Tea from watching a series by Ty Bollinger called The Truth about Cancer. I had been diagnosed with cancer in 2004, 2005 and 2008.  

I had 3 major surgeries, chemo twice and radiation once.  In the Truth about Cancer series they had mentioned that a person had been healed of their cancer by drinking Essiac Tea.  I thought it would be a good idea to start taking Essiac Tea as a preventative. I also started eating all organic food, ramped up my nutritional supplements, followed the Budwig diet and of course, no processed food, fast food or sugar.  I am doing my best to stay healthy. 

I do not know if Essiac Tea has helped to prevent my cancer from returning but I absolutely do think it is a contributing factor. With that being said, I will continue to drink it. I do have faith the Essiac Tea is top quality and I’m grateful it was recommended to me.

If writing this helps “1” person I would be thrilled.  We all have to help each other in our journey and must be advocates for our own health.


September 8, 2021

Thank you very much for asking. Yes, my tea arrived safely. 

My cancer is in remission, so this tea did work for us.

Patricia Herbel 

June 7, 2021

We take Essiac as a preventative but our friends whom we have supplied have had remarkable effects from the disappearance of Cancer in liver to benign tumours in spine and also Thyroid in another dissolve. We have seen a 15 year old dog have nose Cancer get worse and worse and then the dog lived 2 more years after using essiac and died of other issues ... not Cancer. We recommend it to all our friends.

Garnet Anger

October 14, 2020

Thank you for your newsletter. Gina, I wanted to give you an update regarding my wife. She is doing much better and is going to be healed. She decided to undergo radiation treatment and is almost finished. She will not do any Chemo, because of the toxicity. I want to thank you again for sending her the tea. It has been a very helpful and curative. I will let you know when she cleared.



September 18, 2020

I'm loving the essiac tea. I follow the high dose schedule to treat my cancer. It's, but, one of the many homeopathic approaches i employ for my condition. My bone scans are looking good!

Thanks for the follow up!

Best wishes!

Robert Johnson

October 25, 2019

Very good quality, I take a maintenance dose every day. Highly recommend it. Still cancer free as of Mar. 2019.

Kerry Hammer

September 5, 2019

Besides increasing sweating for sauna use, which in of itself is an excellent form of toxic metal chelation, the essiac provides iodine via the seaweed which is also very important. I'm sure essiac also helps with more including immune boosting properties. All I know is when I first started taking it I could feel an immediate and positive difference. I never forget first impressions like that with whatever I'm taking.

I have been taking it for 3 years now and have just passed 2 years cancer free and feeling great - will continue taking it for the foreseeable future.


July 16, 2019

I have ordered essiac tea in bulk for several years.  It helped keep my husband cancer free for more than 30 years.  I have given away one-gal packages to many people.  I have also ordered the Essiac Report book and given away many of those.

I still take the tea every day to keep healthy.

Thank you for your high quality and low prices.

Trudy Reusser

January 26, 2019

I'm good because I've been using it all this time, on my second 4-bag batch. Cured the cancer! The essiac dislodged thousands of worms! And as they departed, so did the cancer, which I'd had for 16 years, wondering why all the alternative cancer treatments and my organic diet and Bill Henderson protocol hadn't cured it. The worms must have been such a major distraction for the immune system that only after those parasites were leaving did it have a chance to run down the cancer cells!  They started coming out mid-March and they still some days show up, as long as 20" or so down to about 1/4."

So it's true that Essiac does cure cancer! As long as worms keep appearing, I'll stick with the Essiac.  :) Many thanks.


Jen Kimberley

December 12, 2018

I have been using Essiac-tea since April 2018, right after my chemo ended. I can`t tell if it was tea or chemo or anything else, or, maybe a bit of everything. Fact is I’m cancer free now and I hope it will stay that way. I keep using Essiac as extra support for my immune system and plan doing that for rest of my life. It won’t hurt I`m sure about that. I been recommending Essiac to all my friends and people in need on all cancer survivor meetings. They strongly believe and me too, it will help them to get better. Thank you for everything you doing for us.

With best regards,

Wlodzimierz Otlewski

August 12, 2018

I have cancer and I need to order some more essiac tea. I need essiac sent to me as soon as possible. Let me tell you what happened to me...

I had become very sick with cancer last year. It got to the point that I was told I would be dead by December. I couldn't stay awake for more than a few hours at a time, and I couldn't speak clearly anymore. My tongue had swollen from the chemo. 

I heard about essiac tea and tried it as a last ditch effort to save my life. I continued the chemo but added essiac tea to my regimen. I couldn't believe how quickly I noticed an increase in energy. Then my hair started growing back, both on my head and my eyelashes and such. A few months later, all my tumors were gone. My doctor said, "Whatever you're doing, keep it up, this is a miracle!

I am religious and I believe that faith can heal. In addition, I believe the chemo and radiation helped me. However, I do not think I would be alive today if not for the essiac tea. The reason I say this is because, once my tumors were gone and I felt better, I ran out of essiac and didn't buy more. I didn't think I needed it anymore. Well, I was wrong. My hair started falling out and I had no energy. My platelet count is up again. This started happening a little over a month ago, a few weeks after I stopped the essiac tea. I had been meaning to get more but I kept putting it off. My friend gave me some other tea to try; he called it "miracle tea." I don't know what was in it, but it did nothing for me. It's not like essiac. Now I feel desperate: I need to get more essiac in me. I feel like crap without it and I'm worried that my tumors will come back, if they haven't already. 

My doctor is worried also because I am obviously slipping. He says he can't recommend essiac (which makes me so angry!) but we both know that it's the only thing that has changed in my regimen. I recommend that everyone with cancer take essiac. I believe you should take traditional treatments like chemo in addition to essiac for best results. All I can go by is how I reacted, but it truly has been a miracle for me. Essiac tea is absolutely amazing and I feel it saved my life.


July 10, 2017

Hi Gina, thank you for asking how things were going. I am sorry it took a while to replay your message. 

I was diagnosed with a big mass on the small intestines area. I think this was in March 2017. 

Two different machines confirmed it. One was a CT Scan and the other one was a MRI. This was done in Houston, TX. 

I started praying, taking Essiac tea, Apricot seed,  and doing a plant base diet. 

A friend referred me to MD Anderson. When they saw the exams they agreed with the diagnosis. They said it looks like a rare form of cancer. 

By end of May 2017 they were going to do a biopsy of the mass but the area was to risky because I have a gastric by-pass. 

The doctor decided to do another scanner before the surgery and it came back clear. They said no mass, that it was a “mistake” by the other two machines. That it was a shadow. 

I don’t know what to think. I believe that it was a miracle done by God’s grace. 

Best regards,

Adriana Bornacelli

February 10, 2017

Wow! This is the McCoy! I have been taking the aggressive dose now for about 6 weeks, and in about two more weeks I will be completely cancer free. Thank you, thank you! I tried other essiac teas for about a year and seen very little improvement, but this brings results!

Geraldine Jones

March 16, 2015

In 2014 I was diagnosed with cancer for the second time.  This time rather than going with traditional medicine to treat the cancer, I decided to treat it holistically and with alternative medicine.  I take Essiac tea daily as part of my treatment plan. 

To date, I'm cancer free and credit this to my treatment plan, which as I mentioned includes the daily use of Essiac tea. I cannot say how effective the Essiac tea is or whether or not it's really helping since I have no way of scientifically validating this, but all I can say is I do believe it is helping and will continue using it as part of my treatment plan.



January 10, 2015

I had stage 4B inoperable uterine cancer with a tumor of 15 cm, I took Graviola 1 bottle and immediately started on high dose essiac tea, the doctors at Dana Farber could not give me 6 months, I began radiation within a month of diagnosis, after 3 weeks of radiation my tumor had shrunk to to 5 cm. I was scheduled for surgery' so 4 months of essiac, a lot of prayer, guided imagery, I had extensivesurgery. My primary surgeon told me after a week. that my pathology was totally negative,,,no evidence of any malignancy. only attenauted cells or basically dead tisssue. It has been over 5 years since my diagnosis and I have been cancer free.

Dari Riddick ·

Psychatric Nurse Practitioner

December 20, 2014

I have been using the four herbs for three years now. I just now found out about the eight herb essiac and want to see if it works better for me. I am alive now because of essiac. 

My doctors had me undergo surgery, chemo, and radiation, but it didn't stop the cancer. They recommended that I go through all of it again. I just couldn't face that, though. I decided to try essiac tea and everything got better. So I stopped the tea thinking everything would be fine, but the cancer grew back. I had no energy and so much pain. As long as I stay on the tea my tumors shrink and I feel much better. I am hoping the eight herb essiac is even more effective for me. 

Shannon Waterton 

October 12, 2014

My husband is still using the tea with very good results. He was very, very ill when he was diagnosed with cancer in December and today he is taking a walk to the park as I write this message. BTW, chemo did absolutely nothing for him except to make him feel like he was dying. Thank you for making this product affordable and obtainable to those who really need it.


Sheree Threlkeld

essiac herbal tea testimonialsReading through our essiac testimonials will be sure to uplift your spirits!

Cancer in Dog

January 13, 2023

I had researched and found you 6 month ago when my dog, 11 year old collie, was diagnosed with very aggressive cancer of the sweat glands. A week later a tumor was removed between his ears, but the doctor said he could not get a clear margin and thought my dog was only going to live 2 month.  Since diagnosis my dog (90 lb) has been on 3 oz 3x daily of your essiac, he drinks it willingly with 1 teaspoon cottage cheese mixed in. Now 6 month later the dog is doing well, no signs of cancer.

Since the time I have started the dog on essiac I myself have also been taking the tea on maintenance dose, thinking it will be good for me as well and it is: at my yearly check up my cholesterol was way down, back to normal, so I now don't have to take the atorvastatin anymore.

Seems to me the Essiac tea is working well!

Thanks for providing quality essiac tea!



October 15, 2022

My twelve-year old golden retriever, Charlie, was diagnosed with cancer last year. My vet advised that if I wanted to give him the best chance of surviving I should consider surgery to remove the tumor. However, I was also aware that, due to my dog's age and medical history, he might not survive surgery. I was also told that many times cancer in animals re-occurs, so I was hoping I could do something preventive in nature, whether or not I decided to proceed with surgery for him. 

I was never aware that cancer in animals could be treated with some of the same things people use, but my homeopathic doctor told me that it can be. In particular, he recommended that I give my dog essiac. 

I did some research online and found your site. I decided to start with one pound as I would be giving Charlie 2 oz. two times a day (although I started with just one dose to make sure it agreed with his stomach). Meanwhile, I met with the surgeon to discuss my options. I decided to put off the surgery for the time being and see if the essiac tea made a difference. My main hope was to keep Charlie's quality of life at this stage. 

I am happy to report that he is doing wonderfully! The tumor is reducing in size and Charlie has only been on the essiac for two months. He has begun to play again and his appetite is much better. I am confident that his situation will continue to improve as long as we continue with the essiac tea. This improves the spirits of everyone in my household, as my husband and I are in our 70s and having Charlie around really boosts our spirits. Please send me another pound of the tea, and bill my card for the amount. Much thanks!" 

Julie W., Arizona 

July 8, 2022

Thank you for sharing. My sister of Herb Goddess who sells this tea, gave Essiac Tea to her best friend whose dog was to be put down due to cancer. The dog could barely get up & was bleeding out the anus. They placed a tea poultice on her anus and Essiac tea in her water. The very next morning, the bleeding had stopped & the dog wagged her tail for their morning walk. This was only two months ago, the dog is so much better. All the sores are gone, her energy is back as if there was never anything wrong. The dog has yet to return to the Vet to see if cancer is gone.


August 26, 2017

We have been using it on our dog who was given no more than 2 months to love just a few days before we made our first order. So happy to say that ever though he is weakened and it appears the cancer is back, we are convinced the essiac has given us so much more time with him. I believe it was October of 2015 when we were given the sad news about Buddy. Yet because of the tea, he is still with us today.

So, a large THANK YOU from our entire family.


Carcinoid Cancer

May 12, 2022

I had a cancer operation 20 years ago. The surgeon removed a grapefruit size, primary tumor in my lower right, gut region and all the cancer he could find, that had spread to other places. But, the cancer had also spread to the liver as well. When I awoke from the operation, the surgeon introduced me to an Oncologist. The first words out of his mouth were, "Everybody dies from this disease. I don't know anyone who treats it, I certainly have no intentions of treating it. You have about 3 to 7 years to live." No treatment is available, carcinoid cancer does not respond to chemo or radiation. Two golf ball size tumors were discovered in my upper abdomen 8 years ago. They may have been there all along, carcinoid cancer is difficult to find, it appears as normal tissue on scans. Two Oncologists recently said the tumors are calcified and were, "not going anywhere." I've been taking Essiac for 20 years now. I have a 12 member family in my home, including 4 grandchildren in elementary school, but I never get common illnesses, no colds, no flu, no nothing in 20 years.


Cats - General Health

July 12, 2021

I gave this essiac to my friend who had cancer. But unfortunately she did not take it regularly as prescribed and she passed away last month. It was heartbreaking for me. I continuously encouraged her to take it, but she did not.

However, I have also been giving it to my cats. There are 4 of them. One has health problems for sure. She's bony skinny, has liquid poops, a couple of tumors on her skin and it is painful for her to sit.

Since giving her the Essiac, I've noticed her poops are starting to become more substantial. She stopped vomiting every day. My daughter noticed that she is gaining a little weight. The skin tumors are still there. But it seems that it is easier for her to sit or lie down.

The other cats, though not ill, also show improvement in their digestion which I notice by the shape and size of their poops.

I'm sharing the Essiac also with another family - they are taking it for general purposes and love it.

I had purchased a supply for my sick friend and you also sent me some free packages which I very much appreciate. I am sharing with my friends until I run out.

Thank you for your kindness. I have recommended your site to several people.


Emma Reed

Cellulitis and Laminitis in Horse

August 12, 2022

We used the tea for horses that had cellulitis and laminitis. They loved it and ate it with their food. Both horses are doing very well now. 



Pre-Cancerous Cells in Cervix

February 19, 2021

Twenty years ago I made homemade Essiac Tea for my daughter to drink because her doctor said she had pre-cancer cells on her cervix. One month later her doctor said there was no sign of cancer. Since then I have taken it as a preventative and have purchased ready made tea from many suppliers over the years, but none compare to the quality sold by Gina and Bryan. The ingredients are in the correct proportions and all are finely and uniformly ground to expose the most surface area of each herb or root. It is my opinion that this is the highest quality Essiac on the market today.

As another testimonial, my minister's wife was dealing with her fourth recurrence of cancer and was facing new rounds of chemo and radiation. I told her that Essiac prevents and cures cancer by killing not only the tumors but it kills the cancerous stem cells that the tumors send out to float throughout your body, unlike chemo and radiation which only kills the tumors, leaving behind the untouched stem cells to cause the cancer to come back after 5 years or so. This is why doctors will never say you are cured of cancer, just in remission, because they know neither chemo or radiation kills the cancerous stem cells. She ordered the tea immediately and started drinking it every day. when she went back to the doctor about 6 weeks later, her markers had changed drastically and the cancer was clearly going away. A few months after that there were no signs of cancer. Gina and Bryan's tea is of the highest quality, which is why it gets results. I highly recommend it.



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

September 11, 2022

Hi Gina, so far I love your product. My lab results showed me in the non-diabetic category for the first time and ALL my results improved (I have been on 9oz/day for close to a month now). 

I also have, for the 1ST TIME! other normal (average range) lab results. Not to mention what it has done for my C.F.S. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome_ and overall energy level. My only regret is that your product hasn’t made me quit smoking (yet!).” 


Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

January 11, 2021

Dave is doing very well. He will be 83 in Oct and his doctor was very proud of his labs.  He drinks the tea on an empty tummy three times a day.  His blood cell counts are pre-CLL now.  So happy!

His doctor says he is boring on paper as his Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) lipids are pre-CLL numbers.

Very happy to be reporting such good news!

Praise the Lord for Essiac, and You!


Katherine and Dave


Dave is continuing to do very well.  At 84 he is playing golf twice a week, taking care of our acre and half yard in Florida and taking no pharmaceuticals.  He faithfully drinks his tea 3 times a day and his blood work still remains stable!

Thanks for checking in on us!


March 14, 2020

I have CLL in remission. I completed my first 5 or 6 weeks of Essiac tea. My lab results are almost all improved despite having stopped the medical drug that had lots of side effects a couple of months ago.  My oncologist does not want to see me again for 3 months because I am doing so well.  She was having me talk to her every 6 weeks when I came off the Pharma drugs. I asked if she wanted me to send you a link to your site and she did so I sent her a link and my success story. She did not express any disagreement with what I am doing.

Your friend,

Joe Hochman

February 10, 2020

All is going well.  My husband and I start our day with 4 oz. on an empty stomach. My husband remains in remission of CLL. 

Sherry Newdick

August 21, 2019

My husband and I personally take the tea to keep our conditions in check. My husband has CLL, is a hep B carrier, has thyroid issues and kidneys that are leaking. He has received radiation for his thyroid and was given 2 courses of chemo earlier this year because his CLL and other health issues were not improving. By this time he couldn't work as he was too sick. So we increased his essiac to the aggressive dose and modified his diet. He was back at work within 4 months.

And my story. My melanoma came back after 3 years. A 6x4 cm inguinal tumour developed in my right leg of which my big toe was amputated 3 years ago. I felt really sick, and lost 6 kilos of weight in just over a week. I immediately increased the dose of tea to aggressive and drank fresh fruit juices and smoothies. Had no appetite for 2 weeks.

I was before drs and consultants within a week and was diagnosed at stage 3C. Drs literally hounded me to have a biopsy done and surgery to remove the tumour regardless if the biopsy determined it was malignant or not. 

I refused both, choosing to maintain the aggressive dosage of tea and modifying my food intake. 6 months later, the tumour has shrunk to 5x3 cms. My drs and consultants have accepted that I am taking responsibility for my own health, but left the door open that if things change, I have direct contact to them without the need to be referred.

As an aside when our country was hit with the flu, normally I would have been sick for 2-3 weeks. I was only out of action for a week. That I attribute to the tea.

We have shared the tea with a few people now who have been diagnosed with all sorts. I make them up a weeks brew so they can try it first, at no cost to them.  

Three people have ordered directly from you and those who can't afford to purchase bulk, we sell smaller quantities at cost. Those who can't afford to buy, we just give it to them. 

One guy with prostate issues bought a small amount off us to take to his alternative health practitioner to be tested. This guy didn't speak highly of the tea and mentioned these other supplements he was taking being better. He returned 2 months later to let us know that of all the supplements tested by his practitioner, essiac tea came back as the one that was the best for him. Needless to say, he left with more tea.

Okay, this is pretty lengthy. I leave it at that.



Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)

April 26, 2005

One of my friends was diagnosed with Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in 2003. She was sick with infections and fevers almost all of the time. She also developed anemia (her red blood cells were very low). Upon her practitioner's recommendation she began to take essiac tea along with chemotherapy. 

After four months on essiac tea, to our surprise her body seemed to have rid itself of leukemia cells. The hematologist found her completely normal when he did the bone marrow aspiration. We went to a pathologist as well to confirm the diagnosis, and he agreed that the cancer was gone." 



May 16, 2018

Fast delivery and excellent product. Definately experiencing an internal cleansing and on that note, I will refrain from getting too graphic. Recommend this company and product and will make additional purchases in the future.


Chattanooga, TN

Colds and Viruses

June 10, 2018

Received my latest order yesterday. I brewed another batch last night. My husband and I have been taking about 1/3 cup each morning with 1 tsp black seed oil as a health tonic. Have had no colds or flus or stomach viruses like so many others!


Colon Cancer

July 14, 2008

After cancer surgery on my colon I started using your tea instead of chemotherapy. That was in 2007. I just had a colonoscopy etc and am cancer free. I am still consuming your tea. 

Know a person that was critical from cancer and chemo who is using the tea and getting better. 

Have a great day,

Mark Holz

March 20, 2007

As some of you know, a couple weeks ago my gastro doc prescribed a colonoscopy and also a PET-scan on my carcus - just to be sure I still had no active cancers.  The colonoscopy was negative and this morning I got the results of the PET-scan that was done yesterday morning.  The result:   "no evidence of any malignancy".  

Recall that in Oct of 07, I was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer and about 10" of my lower colon was removed along with about 15 lymp nodes in that area.  Although two oncologists strongly recommended a "simultaneous agressive course of chemo and radiatiion" I opted to not go that route in favor of a more natural attack on the problem - viz: the use of essiac tea, an alkaline diet, serious prayer, etc.  

Now if only I could get this blood/sugar issue under control I'd be even more happy!  But praise the Lord for this great news today! 

Thank you all for your continued prayers.  Peace …

-Thomas J Zeitvogel

Colon Problems

November 29, 2021

In the case of my colon problems, there were times I skipped using the tea, and after a few days, there was blood again. Once I started the essiac again, there was less and then none. Symptoms seem to fluctuate, but decidedly much better with the essiac. In fact I had some moles on my back that I suspected as cancerous. Last night one of them peeled off. I think the essiac is allowing for healing, and I'll stay with it as long as I can.

Susan Johnson

August 12, 2019

Essiac tea is the best thing I've ever taken in my life. I'm 61 years old. Had a colon resection after a tumor blockage and I'll never stop using it because I'm as healthy as I was before my surgery. God bless Gina and Bryan. Please folks drink essiac for all ailments - you will get positive results. Guaranteed. Been drinking essiac since 2017. Better than anything big pharma can offer!!!

Greg Baker


 May 12, 2021

Finding it helpful in reducing symptoms of COVID that I have had since end of April. I tested negative 4 weeks into this illness. 

Thank you,

Gwen Broz


January 12, 2019

Have been on tea for a little over 6 months now. Had a cyst on the outside of lower eyelid and now completely gone. Also pre-diabetic and get my A1C checked every 3 months. My last check I am 1 point away from normal blood sugar. I love the tea.

Can't wait to hear from you. Thank u for providing this wonderful tea.

Have a blessed week,

Diana Whitley


July 12, 2021

I recently referred someone to you, a school librarian, where i was substitute teaching. Her legs are severely swollen, and she has heart failure as well as other health problems. I hope your tea helps her. Also i have been giving the tea to Walter, age 86. He is diabetic and has some symptoms of dementia. This means behavior problems such as rage, forgetfulness, some confusion. H is skin looks better, and he is thinking more about cleaning up his car, washing his cloths, bathing. This is good! I have been using essiac for a year, and only need it upon occasion now to keep the swelling in my ankles down. I feal good. Thank you so much for this natures miracle!!!

Rev. Cheryl Draeger


October 12, 2021

I just received the tea this last Saturday, but was way too sick (cold/flu) to brew anything.  Monday & Tuesday I only took only 2 servings of the tea each day.  This morning I had only my 5th serving of tea since the tea arrived.  Still terribly sick but at least I can sit up, walk around & do a little bit of housework.  I finally got around to testing my blood sugars several hours after this AM's serving.  In the past I could handle very high sugars without side effects but not lower numbers .  By the time my blood sugars would get down to 135 (and it is supposed to be in the 90s) my hands would be in terrible pain.  I would also tend to get dizzy.  I didn't have any pain in my hands, I wasn't dizzy at all & since blood sugars sky rocket when a diabetic is sick I just assumed my sugars should be around 250-275.   It was 112!!!

I'm hoping that continued use of the tea may help with my hands & knee pain eventually.

Deirdre Dee

July 10, 2020

My family and I really love the tea. The last tea I purchased I sent it to my family in the dominican republic. A few members of my family have diabetes and the essiac tea has been wonderful for them. 


March 3, 2020

I continue to use the maintainance level and I no longer take insulin since 6/15 My sugar level remains stable. I couldn't be happier.


December 20, 2019

Have been on tea for a little over 6 months now. Had a cyst on the outside of lower eyelid and now completely gone. Also pre-diabetic and get my A1C checked every 3 months. My last check I am 1 point away from normal blood sugar. I love the tea.

Can't wait to hear from you. Thank u for providing this wonderful tea.

Have a blessed week,

Diana Whitley

November 19, 2018

Hello Gina! Your product is incredible. I suffer from a number of physical disabilities, and EVERY category of my lab results came back improved! After only one month of your essiac tea!! 

After 6 weeks of being on the aggressive treatment for essiac I put the diabetic "paper" or lab results (5.6) to the ultimate test. I fasted all day (for scriptural reasons) w/water only. Not only did I not get the shakes from skipping meals or go into a hypoglycemic state, I didn't get hungry! I kept tabs on my sugar levels every 2 hours or so, and my levels stayed in the 90`s all day long. I have documented this for my primary care doctor and my nutritionist. According to them, this can't happen!

Jay, Massachusetts 


April 15, 2020

We drink it first thing in the morning--keeps our engines running smoothly!


June 15, 2019

I have great results so far. I was on a 4-herb formula for about a month before trying yours. It was ok, but I did not notice anything different. I stumbled on your website and decided to change. I have been on antibiotics on and off -sometimes four at a time- for Lyme since 2017. My digestion had fallen apart. I could not digest anything raw, and my stool was not formed. If I ate a salad, I would see a salad in the toilet the next day. Just awful!  Within four days of starting on your Essiac, I had fully formed, fully digested stool. And this after trying probiotics, digestive enzymes, bitters, homeopathic remedies - really, everything.  Thanks so much! May it dispense with my cancer, as well!

Best wishes,


Dog with Bladder Cancer

March 11, 2021

The tea has served it's purpose well. Our Westie named Skiff was given 3-5 months to live with his bladder cancer & lived for 18 months! He received 1 oz. of tea two times daily with his meals.

We have told other pet owners about your website.

Thank you for offering this amazing product!

Rich & Deb VanSchinkel

Dog with Bone Cancer

June 17, 2021

I have been ordering the Essiac tea since September for my dog who was diagnosed with bone cancer. We decided against Chemo and instead opted for a holistic approach. She was given 2-4 months but this past weekend we marked 6 months survival and the vet seems to think her health is good.  Although we are also doing other things, I believe the tea has been an important part of her treatment. We were giving her 5oz twice a day. We now give her 3oz per day. Does that sound right?  

The entire story behind the tea and the herbs is very interesting.

Robert Oberst

Dog with Cancer

February 12, 2022

I'm doing Wonderful  :-D

My dog had cancer and I was giving it to him exclusively.... It prolonged his life by MONTHS!! He was given a few weeks and lasted 6 months until he had a stroke on Thanksgiving 

:-/ had to put him to sleep after that, but I think the stuff is amazing...

I've given several packets to friends with cancer to try as an alternative to Western Medicine & share my story with others about the benefits of the tea. :-)

-Elizabeth Lewis- 

November 26, 2021

The tea is great. We give it to our dog who was given 3 months to live over 4 years ago. I cook him a cancer fighting diet and he gets the Essiac as well as other good cancer fighting ingredients. 

It actually takes a long time for us to use our batch up, but I refer tons of people your way via my blog and facebook page. 

Thanks for such a great product! Have a great week.

Sue Hawks

January 12, 2020

I rescued Apache from a Puppy Mill via BARC. (Bernese Auction Rescue Coalition .) She was six years old and had at least 6-8 litters. Living her life in a kennel - that was smaller than a  6x8  with no love or attention. (I traveled to Columbus , OH. to hopefully give her a life she had never known.)

When I got this big little girl home....She would not even get out of the back end of my Exp. I let nature play its roll. I left the back end open.. my other Big BMD jumped in along with my Sadie girl. They jumped in and out for 30 minutes. Trying to coax Apache, letting her know it was "OKAY". She was safe.

My first visit to the Vet with Apache - revealed a cancerous tumor on her front left paw..$7000.00 in debt to surgery and treatment. I started your tea. I give it to all three of my dogs as I don't want any of them to feel cheated!!!;) Apache's Blood work / Urinalysis has been PERFECT !!! Over the last 8 months !!

My Sadie - the Gray pup is almost 13. She - RUNS , JUMPS , and PLAYS, better than dogs half her age.

(BRODY - the big boy-... is just a happy 2&1/2 year old goof ball - Too , a BARC rescue from a puppy mill)

Thanks Gina And Brian-

I wish you WELL.!


Dog with Colon Cancer (Terminal)

July 17, 2022

My 10 year old Sheltie (Raleigh) was a terminal colon cancer case...diagnosed Mar 30. Today, July 17, he is (almost) in remission, the mass has shrunk past the point a physical exam can still detect vet confirmed it! Used ESSIAC tea in conjunction with other all natural protocols. What a miracle & blessing! 


Dog with Congestive Heart Failure

October 20, 2016

I have been using it on my greyhound who was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and possibly cancer.  She was diagnosed in September 2015 and is 12 years old. She is doing well.

Denaire Walker

Dog with Thyroid Cancer

December 29, 2021

My Aussie had thyroid cancer. After removal of the mass & her thyroid & finding out that cancer had spread into her blood cells I purchased 1 lb. of Essiac Tea & chatted w/the company regarding dosage & how to get her to drink it. I make my own broth to mix with the tea. She weighs 50 lbs. She takes 2 oz. of tea mixed w/1 1/2 oz. broth 2xday. After new blood work her red & white blood counts are w/i normal range when before surgery both were very low & her parathyroid is working properly to sustain her life. She's eating, drinking, playing, running a marathon at 8 years old thanks to Essiac Tea. My vet is amazed. He just got the results back regarding the parathyroid gland and was astonished that she doesn't have to be on meds for the rest of her life. Not what he expected but it is what I expected. 

I've known about Essiac Tea for many years & gave it to my dad when he had rectal cancer. His anus couldn't be saved bc the tumor was 1 cm away so he had to have a colostomy bag, but he lived for another 18 years & didn't die from cancer. He had many, many issues & pneumonia was his demise even though he had the pneumonia shot. I definitely recommend Essiac Tea for cancer no doubt. Now I'm going to buy some for my friend that has thyroid cancer even though she hates tea! I'll buy it for her bc I love her & I believe in it. God said I'll heal all of your illnesses & he gave us all of these wonderful healing herbs & I truly believe that!


I wrote a review on June 15, 2021 regarding my Aussie that had thyroid cancer that had spread to her blood cells. After being on Essiac Tea for 6 months I had my vet draw blood to see if the cancer was still in her blood cells. After having to wait 10 days I got the call from the vet. He was amazed...there is no cancer in her blood cells anymore! Nor is she on any medication that my vet thought she would need to be on for the rest of her life because of the removal of her thyroid gland. Essiac Tea is amazing! It definitely saved my dogs life! I called the company to thank them and I cried tears of joy! I'm going to keep her on a maintenance dose because cancer can come back and I'll not have that happen again. She's doing a wonderful life thanks to this tea :)

Joyce Ettema

Dog with Tumor

June 12, 2021

"When my furry babe Drey had a mass tumor removed several years ago, I began researching for natural alternatives on preventing them from returning. The vet said that was common. My research brought me to this wonderful essiac tea and I cannot sing it's praises enough. Combined with a diet of mostly meats, veggies and grain-less kibble, my senior 11 year-old boy is healthy, happy and free from those growths. We are so grateful to you all!"


~Cristina Rivera

Valley Center, CA 

July 14, 2020

We continue to give it to our geriatric dog who has tumors in his ears.  It's hard to say for sure with what efficacy the tea is performing, but I can certainly say he improved significantly when we first started administering it about two years ago.  He had issues with ear infections and his coat was very poor. The tea has helped those issues. He is old and will probably not be with us much longer. But, I can honestly say the tea has helped him.


Dry Cough

September 18, 2021

Thanks for your interest Gina. I have this dry cough that seemed to almost disappear when I took the tea in the past, then it returned when I stopped....after about a month. Now I'm taking it again to see if my cough improves (it took about a month before). If it does then it looks like the essiac is helping.

-Mary Knight


July 17, 2020

Thanks!  I'm doing well with it.  I think it helps when I can stick to the routine.

I've always had bad skin, prone to warts, acne,'s just never been good.

Taking this seems to help with everything.



January 15, 2022

My husband and I can truly say we know it works. My indigestion and low energy has returned. My husbands edema has returned. The healing of his foot has slowed down once again. Why?...Because we've been without the tea! Blood sugar is rising and sinus congestion problem again. I never intend to run out again. Thanks!

Cheryl Howe

Endometrial and Uterine Cancer

August 12, 2015

I have been taking Essiac tea 3oz 3x a day for 7 months now. I am pleased with the quality of the product and the improvement in my overall health.  In February of 2013 I had a total hysterectomy due to synchronous dual primary endometrial and uterine cancer. The cancer was remover from my body. All of the tests revealed there was no cancer in my lymph nodes, omentum(fat pad in belly) or acities(fluid in my abdomen). I decided to NOT have chemotherapy or radiation that was recommended by my gynecological oncologist. I remain cancer free over 2 1/2 years later. I will continue taking the Essiac Tea in the near future to ensure that my body is being give extra support to remain cancer free.



Esophageal Cancer (Stage 4)

November 20, 2015

Thank you for your inquiry. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer in January 2015. He is still doing very well. We attribute it to daily prayer, traditional chemo treatments and drinking essiac tea. I drink it as well. Thank you.

Mindy Meyers

January 12, 2014

Left for dead with a real “well meaning” oncologist - “ You’ll get no chemo and be lucky if they can get you a feeding tube in, and radiation will be only palliative “” Maybe 30% reduction of tumors in lymph and esophagus from radiation , it is mainly for comfort get your self and affairs in order” Well I’m not dead and don’t feel like I’m dying! We did 18 radiation treatments but missed most because terrible weather polar vortex but drank almost 4 gallons of tea on aggressive plus dose and everything gone. Bryan sent the first life saving package of tea Gratis and we were days from death. It was the most incredible thing it was Heaven sent. Thank you Bryan and Gina

Michele Minor


Ewings Sarcoma

October 10, 2018

"I have experienced nothing but top notch service in a world gone a bit tilt.  Gina and her husband have been there for my husband since his success over Ewings Sarcoma in 2015.  He said more than once the Essiac Tea was a "Game Changer" for his recovery between Chemo rounds.  It gave him the ability to come back out of the side effects of the chemo.  Your service was always prompt and courteous. Thank you!"

Roberta L. Johnson


March 20, 2019

Review: I have found this tea so very helpful in returning my energy. I suffered from some sort of exhaustion for the better part of a year and no other medicine or remedy made any difference. After a week on the tea I felt better and after three weeks I was back to my old self. Now I am never without my dose a day! I carry it with me on trips and brew it wherever I go.

Sydney Anderson

Langley, Washington. USA

Fat Nodules in Abdomen

April 10, 2019

I have only good news about the ESSIAC!!

I had a very acute bronchitis with expectoration and cough was very much diminished and I breath a lot easier.

I had about 5-6 fat nodules in my abdomen and 5 of them dissipated!!

My digestion is much better and I don't have so many constipation issues.

I believe that ESSIAC will help!!

All the best!



November 10, 2019

Thank you so much. I used your product years ago on my issue with fibroids in my uterus and it helped. I am praying for success this time as well.

Rebecca Byrd

September 12, 2019

It seems that it minimized the size of fibroids.

Amanda Montecinos-Clanton

January 24, 2018

Your tea is helping me greatly. My cust pain and fibroid pain has stopped. I am beyond grateful. The tea really works and I cannot express my gratitide. Thanks again. God bless you and your family.



March 15, 2019

At a point in my life where I had no hope surely became clear that at a battle with my whole body and I found your special tea when I couldn't get out of bed and couldn't eat and still Drs won't pin point besides bleeding ulcer fibromyalgia pain all over might be this might be that still testing lost 30 pounds in Two months couldn't even swallow. 

After starting your tea I'm up eating back to work back onto my childrens life's, I'm still weak lots of pain but I'm sure Essiac tea is what's keeping me in this battle I have faith that with God and your tea I'm going to win this war thank you for carrying so much and for all the support. I'll stay in touch it's been 2 months since I started I'm glad that it found you !! I'll recommend to anyone who would have nothing to lose but just try it.


Follicular Lymphoma

October 28, 2018

I spoke to a man on the phone to help me reorder. We received the priority box on 10/18. Thank you! I have lost the correspondence with him and can't remember his name. My husband is 80, diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. We did not go with radiation or chemo, one lymph node was removed surgically, hence the diagnosis at Stanford. We started the tea in May after the diagnosis. Our follow up scan and blood work today indicates he is free of cancer. We will have another scan in 6 months. We are convinced it is the tea. He feels better than he has for years. We also cut out all sugars and wheat as well. We are recommending this tea for not just a fight against cancer, but to Avoid it and other health problems. We will continue to take it, both of us, for as long as we can. 



January 12, 2017

Like so many other people this past year has been more than challenging. My follicular lymphoma was less than stable and not wanting to return to oncologists who wished to scan me multiple a year I read and came upon Gina and Bryan’s amazing offer for help. I reached out as my fiance had just been diagnosed with diabetes after a heart attack and we had a leak in our roof and all was pushing my body beyond its limits, particularly as I was fixing the roof with no other financial options. 

Without hesitation Gina sent the Essiac. 

I have tried Essiac tablets in the past but did not see great results. This time was far better. The herbs are full of the fragrance of freshness and was amazed at the quantity of the herbs that settle. My appetite improved as did my energy. My lymph nodes size decreased dramatically and I lost issues impacting my range of motion due to affected lymph nodes, particularly in my groin. I also noticed detoxifying benefits. My osteoarthritis has also improved in decreasing inflammation and pain. After three months of using this excellent quality 8 herb blend I have hope for the future which the doctors had not given me. The doctors were only interested in scaring me into treatment while my lymphoma was not transforming which does not improve overall prognosis. Gina and Bryan also sent me a second 3 month supply, like the first on them. 

I am deeply grateful and will be placing an order when I run low again. it has allowed me to tackle great challenges in a year of extraordinary events.

Thank you both for your extraordinary kindness and commitment to helping people you have never met. 

Rene Caisse would be so proud of you for carrying on the tradition she adhered to for decades.



Gallbladder Condition

July 22, 2019

Last year i used the tea for a gallbladder condition. I had been to  the emergency room 3 times over the past year. Doctors wanted to remove my gallbladder but I refused. This did not include the countless nights i stayed awake in pain, because I didn't have health insurance. After using the tea over a month's time, the nightly pain ceased and I am now able to drink and eat in moderation dairy -- which is what had triggered the gallbladder problems.

I plan to re-order in a few weeks for a detox.

Please keep this formula the way it is.

Thank you. I feel empowered and healthier.


General Health

June 23, 2019

I found out about Essiac tea in Ty Bollinger's book "The Truth about Cancer," which I decided to read after an astounding number of people in my circle of family of friends were diagnosed with cancer, several of whom sadly passed away in the prime of life.

I have been drinking the tea for about seven months. Sugar cravings disappeared after day one for me. Other benefits for me are improved digestion and the peace of mind of knowing that my body is getting a detox and that my chances of a cancer diagnosis are greatly diminished. As a person who has had a life-long struggle with depression, I find that as long as I stay on the aggressive dose, my mood is noticeably enhanced. I believe "anti-depressant" should be added to the list of health benefits, since it has worked far better than any man-made pharmaceutical ever did for me. Thank you for a great product!

Karen Hare

June 15, 2018

I have been taking this essiac tea for well over 3 years now. When I first started it I called it my dirt because that's what it looked like and that's a little bit what it tasted like... Fast forward 3 plus years and I cannot live without it! If I forget to take it before I go to bed I have to walk back into the kitchen and pull it out of the fridge. I still call it my dirt but it's much easier to drink down knowing the absolute fantastic benefits it has. I pray this company is always here for us 🙏🙌💕


March 25, 2017

I have got great deals & have been using this tea for years! Love it Im 67 helps with all my vitals, high blood pressure, sugar, kidneys, liver, bowel movements ect. Amazing customer service thank you for all your service Gina!

Mike Johnson

January 22, 2015

I have been drinking Essiac Tea for 7 months now. I started it because I had had terrible side effects from the oral meds I was taking to prevent recurrence of a tiny breast cancer after tumor removal. I'm 79 and decided it wasn't  worth the suffering! I had heard about the tea on The Truth About Cancer program. Noting that Genuine Essiac had the original recipe, then realizing it was very affordable, I purchased the full six-month order and ordered again at six months. I know it has been beneficial, and here's why: I have only one kidney and have had elevated kidney function studies ever since the Nephrectomy in 2009. But a recent blood test showed that there was a significant lowering toward normal in the study. Honestly, that was big! Also, my recent mammogram was normal. The tea is not delicious, but I drink it religiously three times daily. It is simple to brew and each batch lasts two weeks. Customer care has been impeccable. I intend to drink this healthy tea indefinitely because I know it is supporting my health. 

Phyllis Windes

Independence MO 

December 2, 2014

I have been taking Essiac for several years. I started when I got bad thermography results. My mammography results are negative but I don't trust them. I haven't had more thermographies as they are quite costly in my country. I am mainly taking the tea for prevention and detox. My symptoms remained the same, but nobody knows what exactly causes them. So, I can't say that I've felt any Essiac associated changes. I am still alive.....

Best regards

General - Illness

October 12, 2015

Everyone needs to be on this Essiac tea from Bryan & Gina! Best one on the market and price so affordable for us battling serious illnesses who know how expensive trying to get healthy can be!!! Your special measured out ingredients has given me my life back!!!! Getting all my friends on it...even my husband takes it every day. THANK YOU doesn't sound like enough but THANK YOU!!!!


New York

Growth on Skin

July 17, 2014

I'm writing because my attorney (a good friend of mine) suggested that I take essiac tea. The doctors found a growth on my skin that appears not to be cancerous, but I'm not taking any chances. He affirmed that I should use essiac containing eight herbs, not the four-herb tea that is more commonly found. He recommended that I come to this site, as you people have been very helpful and the price is right. I guess he's been pointing a lot of people your way. 

I am optimistic because my friend's wife was at one point diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to the liver, and now it's been five years and she is alive and well. Granted, she was on chemotherapy at the same time she took the essiac. She began the chemo December 1999 and the essiac in February 2000. By April 2000 her condition had become stable, which was realistically the best they could hope for at the time. 

She continues to maintain relatively good health and although the tumors are still present, her condition is definitely stable and she generally feels well. Her husband switched to your eight-herb essiac when he found your website last month. He says that your herbs seem to be fresher than any he's received before and his wife feels better than ever. I'm looking forward to trying the tea and hope it can do for me what it appears to be doing for so many others. At this point in my life (45) I am well aware of the need for preventive treatment, even if I am "healthy" for the time being.

Christine L., Nevada 

Hay Fever

June 18, 2018

This was recommended by a friend seven years ago and I have been doing the maintenance dose for most of that time and have several friends that are now taking it. For me it has helped greatly with hay fever during the bad seasons. I can tell that I feel much better, also.

Kathi Ignacio



August 12, 2018

Hello Gina, I have been a customer of yours for 7 or 8 years now. I originally bought from one of your distributors for a few years till he fizzled out, and I have been buying directly from you and Bryan for maybe 5 years now. I RELIGIOUSLY drink 3 ozs. every night before bedtime.  

I used to suffer from un believable heartburn all my life and have not had one bout in the 8 years I have been drinking your tea (I also take good Isotonic digestive enzymes ) as well. 

I am a 50 year old Boxer, and between the Isotonic Supplements and your Tea, I am a specimen of perfect health. I just had my first yearly physical in almost 5 years, and ALL my #'s were super and my blood pressure and cholesterol were 100% on the money, and I have 3 jumbo eggs for breakfast EVERY morning, and have for many years and my cholesterol is still in the low range. 

I attribute my great health to several things that I do, but your Tea has always been a MUST have in my routine, and I herald it as the reason I have not had my heartburn in many, many years. I will drink your tea till my dying day. 

Thank you for making your blend of tea at a VERY reasonable cost and for continuing to distribute such a phenemonal product! Thank you again and you and Bryan have a great day!  


Hepatitis C

March 17, 2018

It certainly has been up, down and back up again. My brother has Hep C and has begun the aggressive treatment. I just handed him a half gallon and told him how to take it. He's too busy to investigate right now, but he trusts me, so he just started 3 oz. 3x a day. The second day he called me and said that the chronic ache in his side was suddenly gone. He asked if I thought the tea was responsible and said he believes that must be the case. Since then the pain is still gone and he's been eliminating all sorts of things he's sure he didn't need:)

He'll be sharing orders with me from now on and continuing the aggressive treatment for 6 months.


February 20, 2018

I have been using essiac for several years now.  It helped me to stay healthy long enough for them to invent the drug "Harvoni".  I was able to get a grant to use it, and now cured of hepatitus C! Also found the tea cured my swollen prostate and a bothersome case of hemorhoids. God bless you!  Keep up the good work.

-Jim O'Connor

November 17, 2017

I have been using essiac for several years now.  It helped me to stay healthy long enough for them to invent the drug "Harvoni".  I was able to get a grant to use it, and now cured of hepatitus C !  Also found the tea cured my swollen prostate and a bothersome case of hemorhoids.  God bless you!  Keep up the good work.

Jim O'Connor

January 20, 2016

I have hepatitis C and my LFT's were very very high, since taking essiac for 6 months or so at three times a day and then maintenance my numbers are all with in normal limits except 1 is just slightly higher than normal, I am a believer!!!!

Rebecca Shannon

IBS and Chronic Pain

April 23, 2019

I would like to say that, that last Friday, I received the Essiac Tea.  On Saturday, I made a Quart. and on Sunday started the course.

The taste was a shock, however, I have persisted and now look forward to it.  I am about to start another batch tonight.

As to the taste, I looked at it this way, we have been breathing in toxins, drinking and eating toxins and washing in toxins and at the time of receiving this Tea, I was having a lot of heavy metal taste.

After two days I started to notice changes within me. And today Friday, I can now safely say, that, I do not have IBS, I do not have severe Chronic pain, my joints are returning.  My tendons in  all my left foot, including achilles tendon, which I damaged a couple of months ago is now healing, the swelling on the foot has gone down considerably.  I still have a slight problem, but, that is nothing to write home about as yet, as this, has been only ONE WEEK.  All the other problems that I have had, fading.  The food and water taste different.  My diet had changed previously, however, I am now more aware of what I should be taking.

I have not been taking any medication for pain, whilst, I have been taking this.

I do not feel low, I feel an energy returning, and I can now hear my body talking to me, as to needs. As before, it was blocked.

I thank you and Mother earth for providing this,and of course, dear Cassie, and I do thank you all daily.

I shall keep you posted.

Kim E. Fuller

Immune System

May 23, 2019

I have been taking Essiac for several years, although I do not have cancer. I find it has strengthened my immune system a great deal. I now get 1-2 mild colds per year and they only last a couple days. I take it with my own mix of liquid Stevia and OJ. The last time I got a flu shot, I got so sick for so long. I now refuse flu shots, but drink the Essiac. I'm a believer in its benefits.


February 12, 2018

I guess some thanks for your product, I take your Essiac tea and have added the Bicarbonate Soda since you sent me the info maybe 6-8 months ago. Been taking your tea for close to two years and apart from the energy boosts I get I sleep well and I feel my immune system is good. Put it this way many around me now are sick but myself I am just good, common cold came and went as it does every few years. COVID I am unsure what’s the truth, but I am not vaccinated and to be very honest, in the works of Bruce Springsteen, “I’m better than the rest”.  People who are half my age don’t have the energy and immune system as myself. I’m 65 and diagnosed with cancer 7 years ago and all is good.

I am so pleased with your product I have now after so may years testing started to tell people to look at it seriously, today I was in a dentist and the people said that how come I have so much energy and so full of life, I just put it down to the tea I tell them. 

Ironically 4-5 friends died of cancer this last 6 months, all diagnosed around the same time as myself, of course I can never really say what is right or wrong. But I guess deep in my heart I know I am doing the right thing.

Jack B


January 12, 2017

This tea has been a real blessing for my husband! His immune system has been stronger than ever and his cancer stats have shown steady improvement. Totally appreciate this valuable healthy product!

Marilyn Battisti

Boise, ID


September 28, 2021

Started taking in the middle of December 2020 and have lost 46 pounds, along with reducing my inflammation which has allowed me to get over 100 miles a month of walking and back to playing golf. Have been giving to everyone who is battling with health issues from failing liver, blood sugar, A1C, IBS, cancer, and acid reflux. Essiac has changed my life.

Rick Southard

June 27, 2019

Excellent quality. A noticeable reduction in inflammation, lymph node growth and pain was observed within 2-3 weeks using the Aggressive PLUS Dose. This product has been used in parallel with true colloidal silver, AHCC, Beta Glucan 1,3/1,6, and high dose oral L-ascorbic acid without issue.

I got the order. I'm doing great. I'm taking my tea daily and I'm feeling good. Inflammation is at a minimum now, no pain. As soon as I can, GOD willing I hope to order soon again. I really don't want to not be able to get this tea.

Faith Jordan

August 23, 2018

A few friends told me many good things, like one of them had regained some loss of hair, the other one helped him get rid of warts and with me it helped me with my inflammation in my back.

Leonel Mondragon

Insomnia and Cancer

October 20, 2019

The tea that you sell is FREAKIN AWESOME!!! I use it as a maintenance for my body. The tea relaxes me at night so that I can have a good night’s sleep,

I have been buying your tea for many years. I buy it in bulk because I give allot of it, and your website info to people who have cancer to try. I didn’t know anything about GOD’s tea until two years after I lost my dad to stomach cancer.

That’s when my brothers mother in law was diagnosed with breast cancer. She did not want to get operated, or go thru radiation. I told her about the tea and to buy it from you guys because it is very expensive to buy at the health stores.

And you guy’s had the best quality and very low prices. After she ran out of the tea that 

I had given her she ordered some from you. One year later she decided to go back to the doctors to see how she was doing. The doctor examined her And noticed that her two tumors had all but disappeared. He then took a biopsy and within a week she had the results. The biopsy revealed normal cells. It has been about five years now and she still takes the maintenance dose, and she feels great!

My brother is a EMT for the local fire department. About two years ago he had to transport an older lady complaining of severe pain all over her body. Later that day he had another transport to the same hospital. As he was picking up supplies he saw the same woman that he had dropped off in the morning.

He asked her how she was doing and she told him that they had found cancer all over her body. My brother came by my house to see if I could give him some tea with instructions and where to buy it. So I gave him a pouch of tea and he gave it to her. Two years later the lady showed up at the fire station

Looking for my brother she had papers in her hand from the doctor stating that she was cancer free. She gave my brother a big hug and thanked him for the tea.  My good friend at work was upset one day I asked him what was wrong, he said that they found two growths on his wife’s liver. I

Told him about the tea and gave him the info. one year later after drinking the tea doctors could not find the growths. Last April my best friend was diagnosed  with  cancer on the back of the cervix. It was inoperable, She decided to go through  the radiation and chemo. I also gave her the aggressive

Dose of the tea. Last week she got her results from the blood work and pepscan. The doctor said that she was cancer free! I still give her the aggressive dose three times a day. It seemed like the tea kept her from losing her hair, and it maintained her energy levels.

My elderly  friend had type one Diabetes. She was taking high doses of medication. The doctor was about to put her on insulin. I started giving her the aggressive dose of the tea. On her last visit the doctor took all medications away and asked her what she was taking, she told them she was taking GOD’s tea. I want to thank you so much For making it possible to buy the tea at such a low price . if it wasn’t for you guy’s I don’t think I would be able to afford to buy it from the health food stores since there prices are ridiculous.  THANK YOU AGAIN FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Edward Leyvas

Intestinal Cancer

March 25, 2020

Thank you for your inquiry. If you noticed I have been drink your tea for years. Started after having intestinal cancer back in I believe 2008. Used the tea instead of chemo and have continued. Both my parents had cancer. You have always been prompt on getting the product delivered and when I have requested you have included extra pamphlets on your product. I do hand them out to people that have skin cancer or other concerns. It is always amazing how many individuals simply say that it won't work and disregard the tea. Have a wonderful day.

-Mark Holz

Joint Issues in Pets

March 20, 2021

Thanks, we appreciate your interest!  We originally ordered the Essiac Tea over the summer for our 16-year-old Chow/German Shepherd, Trixie, mix after she was diagnosed in July with an aggressive intestinal sarcoma and an adrenal tumor.  She had grown rather dull and listless but soon perked back up to her usual cheerful self after several days (maybe a week) of getting the tea twice a day. We opted not to put her through the major surgeries that would have been required to remove the tumors and instead gave her a combination of supplements as well as Tramadol, but we really think it was the tea that kept Trixie bright and active for nearly five months after her diagnosis, until her intestinal sarcoma began to bleed in late November/early December and we were forced to put her to sleep.

We are now giving the tea to our nine-year-old vizsla, Dennis, who was recently diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia and arthritis. He is currently getting around 2 ounces of tea (he weighs about 55 pounds) twice a day, along with Rimadyl and various supplements aimed at reducing his inflammation. He too seems to be doing well on it -- we noticed he was more willing to play with our 8-month-old puppy soon after starting the tea (even before getting the dysplasia diagnosis and adding the Rimadyl), so we think it made him feel perkier just like it did Trixie.  Based on our experiences we have happily recommended your Essiac Tea to people we know whose pets also have cancer or joint issues.


Jim & Kelly Viscosi

Kidney Function

July 27, 2021

Three years ago my BUN rose to 32 after Chemo and antibiotics. It was normally at 24, borderline high. Three years post Chemo it was down to 25. After two months of using the tea, I retested and my BUN was 14. All of my labs were amazing! I could not be happier.

Sherri Coplan
Lakeside, Arizona

Kidney Infection

August 21, 2018

The first order was great. I got a Kidney infection and another illness and the tea really seemed to boost my energy and make me feel much better. I love the tea.

Looking forward to my next order :)

Aaron Roberts

essiac success storiesRene Caisse was the woman first credited with bringing essiac to the mainstream.

Kidney Tumor

December 22, 2020

I have been using the tea for over 4 years now and the tumor in my kidney has stopped growing the first month after I started taking it on a regular basis. I have promoted to quite a few people who have purchased it and use it. I know the main cancer treatment centers poo poo the tea. 

But my urologist has been following me and has been very impressed because he says my tumor is the type that ALWAYS grows. Maybe slowly, but he has never seen this type of cancer NOT grow or progress. He is now starting to suggest others use it.

Most importantly by sharing this information we can save people from the effects of cancer and treatments. I like the tea as you can tell.  

Mike Pursel

Large B Cell Progressive Lymphoma

November 11, 2019

My mom Doris was only given 3 months to live because of Large B cell progressive lymphoma. She has now gained weight, living to the fullest. One Dr. called at 9 o'clock at night musing over her file saying, I was just going over your file, and your lymphoma looks good? He is baffled. Her oncologist doesn't want to talk to her.  She drives herself to Grand Junction and back which is about a 5 hour drive from home. She is 88 years old and going strong. We just attended my son's wedding and drove 1500 miles to Kentucky and back.  She danced at his wedding. So... I would say that she is doing great!!!!!

-Heather Golden

Leg Cramps

January 22, 2018

I just made my last batch and need to reorder now. I have had great results with leg cramps. And then this past week I spent close to $1200 on my 14 year old Springer Spaniel due to pancreatitis and then liver issues (liver disease, liver cancer, - something liver related). All week long she has barely moved with my wife and I thinking last night was the last night. She made it through the night and today her eyes were more yellow - she has not drank much of anything or eaten anything most of the week. The vet tonight told us to make her comfortable. 

I came home and used a syringe to get approx .5oz of Essiac into her mouth. Flash forward two hours and her eyes are much less yellow and she climbed up on our couch! Wholly cow! I think we are far from being "out of the woods" with her but at least there is a chance.

Mark Dowden

Liver Cancer

April 12, 2018

I'm a cancer survivor, I have Liver cancer, when I was in the service I was injured and needed a transfusion, and back then they didn't check blood so I got hepc I was eighteen at the time went for many years with no problem, suddenly a tumor appeared, they mircro waved it out but during that process I started drinking Essiac tea, well two more tumors appeared the doctors wanted me to come in to be a backup for a liver transplant, I said no I only had a week before my next MRI , had the MRI no tumors, had my 2nd MRI a month ago and still no tumors. I believe GOD put us here and filled the world with natural remedies. I LOVE life and try to take care of myself.

Michael Quinn

March 25, 2017

I found out about you over 12 years ago when my husband was given two months to live due to liver cancer.  I gave him the tea and he survived long enough to get a liver transplant and is alive today. I am taking it for maintenance and a friend is taking it to help her kidneys.


November 13, 2016

My mom was in the hospital fighting for her life after being on zantac. Her liver had a mass that was inoperable and her doctor would not release her to go home but she was to be released only to hospice and if anyone doesn't know what hospice is it is where you go to wait to die.

Well months later she was not doing too good and our lifelong friends had told us how this tea actually saved her from cancer and her cancer gave her a zero possibility of survival. She is no longer with cancer and she is healthy. So us being skeptical about the tea. Because how could a tea help to get rid of a cancer that is a death sentence for my mother.

So she got the tea and for the first few days she took it but didn't see how this tea would help so I stop giving it to her. Well we learned how it helps her. So now she has been on it. And it has made a major improvement in her. Even her swollen liver seems to like it cause her stomach has really gone down in size. We believe that it is due to this tea. Infact she does not have any symptoms of liver cancer any more. Thank you so much.

Mishelle Clancy

Lung Cancer

September 21, 2020

Great! The tea has played a role in a miracle for my father.  His lung cancer has drastically shrunk in size! Thank you all so very much and may God bless you generously.  


August 18, 2020

I am very happy with the results. No more tumors in my lungs. Of course I combined it with other cancer protocols, but I’m continuing to use it prophylactically right now.

Thank you so much.


February 12, 2019

am 81 years old and am battling lung cancer for the third time. The cancer is a souvenir from my senior class trip to Vietnam all those years ago. I have been using Essiac for many years, but only recently changed to you brand. I think it is far superior to anything else I have used because you can be sure that each batch has exactly the right combination of ingredients, and you consume all of it. My overall health is excellent and the only prescription I have is for inhalers.

Jim Studzinski 

November 15, 2018

My aunt was diagnosed terminal with lung cancer, it was unoperable and she was given 3 months to live. She was given Essiac from an x partner and she immediately started using it when she went for a scan 3 months later she was in REMISSION! I sent for a bottle to try it out after spending hours reading about it as I had IBS and depression. I used it for 4 weeks 12 weeks ago and since have showed no signs of IBS or depression I haven't had 1 twinge of pain, and overall feel a lot healthier than I have in yrs. I have now bought several bottles for friends and family at my cost as I really do believe it would benefit them and everyone else who trys it. I believe it really is a miracle cure I now tell everyone I meet about it even if they think I'm nuts ha I have also written to a local newspaper and the journalist is trying out on his cousin who also has lung cancer hope it works for him as it did my aunt I have every bit of faith that it will.



July 15, 2018

Thank you, Gina - I've been using the Essiac Tea since January 2017, Improvement dose since I was told I have stage 4 lung cancer, and was only given till June or July if nothing stopped it.  My oncologist started me on Opdivo, an immunotherapy in mid-March.  My recent PET scan showed a reduction in the cancer, and decreased metabolic activity.  So we're thinking the Opdivo is working!  But I also feel GOOD!  And I attribute my strength and stamina in part to the Essiac Tea.

I am currently drinking 4 oz twice a day, I find that easier on the palate and the schedule.  Also, after 6 months of almost gagging on the sludge, I now let myself drink only the liqueor - I know I'm supposed to not strain the sludge, but I'm giving it to my trees instead.  I know, I'm a baby!  But I still have the benefit of the tea.  Also, My left arm has nerve damage from the surgery where they took out half my lung, and the Essiac helps that as well.  

I was on vacation for a week and didn't have the tea with me - my arm began to ache.  When I got home and started it again, my arm does not ache.  It is still nerve damaged, like novocaine wearing off, but doesn't hurt me.  So I'll be ordering more.

Thank you, I hope my little testimony will be a help to someone - I think Essiac is beneficial for the body's systems, promoting health. 

Martha Thum

Lung Infections

July 19, 2019

This tea is amazing!!!! I have had a mild chronic lung infection for about 2 years and the antibiotics I was given wasn’t handing it.

Within less than 24 hours, it started to dry up and every day, it continues to improve. A recurring ear infection that I’ve had also cleared that first day. Every day, I’m noticing some improvements in my general health.


Lung Problems

March 12, 2019

I have some MARVELOUS news for you two. One-year ago I started on essiac tea. Today, I am totally off mechanical 02. (on 4 liters 24/7). I can NOW breathe ROOM air day AND night. I don't even need it at night time during sleep. After 6 months of essiac, I continued taking an herbal lung blend and added some powdered LDM am & pm. Today I am healed. My immune system works well as I was exposed to the Wuhan virus 3X and did not get ill. There are some other excellent things I have incorporated, diet low in carbs, higher in nutrient dense foods; meats, eggs, nuts cheese and some veggies. Very little high clucose fruits. Only a few berries. Tonic water, enzymes, sodium ascorbates and others as well.

Nancy Archibald

Lupus (SLE)

November 20, 2011

Thank you very much for the Essiac. It has greatly improved my life! Can actually be in sun again without eruptions, fever afterwards. Think I shared I was western blot positive for Lyme 2007. Then later diagnosed with lupus. Always been outdoors and not being in the sun was tough! Since Essiac sun is no longer an issue. What a blessing! Can I continue aggressive? Seems when I go to maintenance my energy is down. Not real tasty Essiac but I've seen no side effects of taking aggressively. Tried to tell all that will listen about Essiac. 

Thanks for helping me! 

Blessing to you and yours! 




May 24, 2020

I have suffered from terrible health afflictions for over 29 years starting around age 11. I'm not sure what started it all, but I was diagnosed 17 years later with Lyme disease. I also discovered I had an enormous amount of mercury/lead toxicity as well as other toxic metals. I suffered from terrible fatigue, depression, neck/back pain, and chronic insomnia most of my life. For those 29 years of my life I won’t hesitate to say that I looked forward to being dead. It took another 12 years of trying various protocols to finally feel great- even conquering all my pain and horrendous insomnia.

There was no magic bullet. There wasn’t just one protocol that solved all my problems. There are many, many things I tried in order to get to the healthy place I am now. I won’t go over the enormous laundry list of things that didn’t work, but after doing many liver/gallbladder flushes and passing thousands of intrahepatic stones, the baking soda protocol,  toxic metal chelation (oral and IV), taking various amino acids daily (lysine, glycine, glutamine, threonine), daily oil pulling, food-grade hydrogen peroxide inhalation/ingestion, bio-identical hormones, the borax protocol, monitoring important vitamin levels like vitamin D, etc., taking supplements/minerals like MSM, transdermal magnesium chloride, Vitamin C, B-Complex, Krill oil, Astaxanthin, DIM, etc., theanine/tryptophan/melatonin for sleep, daily exercise, good diet including fermenting my own vegetables that provide probiotic CFU’s in the trillions (not billions), ingesting organic whole husk psyllium (prebiotic), coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, Diatomaceous Earth, drinking ample amounts of filtered/remineralized/restructured water daily, and of course drinking Essiac tea.

All of these protocols go in my top 10+ list for saving and improving my life. I also want to add that most western medicine and pharmaceuticals not only didn't work, but made me feel worse. Also, if I knew then what I know now- it would take two to three years to fully get to the healthy place where I am now. The point is- full success rarely comes quickly.

I don’t know if I was born a sensitive person or I became that because of my illness- either way, the protocols I mentioned above were very obvious to me to work in a profound and positive way.

I have ordered Essiac from the number one online retailer before and I prefer Bulk-Essiac-Tea the best. I found Bulk-Essiac-Tea to be more effective. I also believe that Gina and Bryan are super nice, down-to-earth people and I have never met them and have no affiliation with them. I am taking the time out today to write this testimonial because not only how great their Essiac tea improved my life, how nice Gina and Bryan are, but for anyone reading this to hopefully learn a protocol that may help better their lives.

The last thing I’d like to add is to learn the important difference between taking a water soluble vitamin/supplement vs taking a fat soluble one. A water soluble vitamin/supplement like vitamin B, vitamin C, and Essiac tea etc. needs to be taken on an empty stomach and is best absorbed if no food is eaten for an entire hour after ingestion.  You may have taken a B-complex vitamin in the past and noticed how your urine changed a funky color. Your urine will change this color because you either didn’t take it on an empty stomach or did not wait the entire hour for it to absorb. A fat soluble vitamin/supplement conversely should be taken with some food and is usually best with some amount of fat/oil.

Peace and good health,

Andrew Days

September 26, 2019

It came so quickly you all are amazing!!!! I brewed it immediately and am following the aggressive dose so will be ordering before 6 months is up!  I can say I see benefits, gr at benefits already!!! Eliminating tons and my sweating is much less. My body temperature is finally coming down. I got Lyme disease 4 times and one time tick also had Erlichia and last time tick had Rocky Mt fever also so picked up breast cancer last year and battling SV-40 since childhood so I NEED this tea. I think it is working already!!!!!!


Jennifer Chappel

July 26, 2018

I would like to share my testimony of how Essiac tea helped me to get rid of chronic Lyme disease symptoms. God gets all the Glory because when I was not sure if it would work for Lyme and did not get encouraging feedback, so I asked the Lord because he made all things.  I also used prayer and God's Word as my first line of defence against my symptoms.  I did not take any other treatment for my Lyme except prayer and Essiac tea. I did not have a Lyme rash so I lived with painful leg and hip joint symptoms for 6 months until I had blood tests and discovered that I had Lyme.  I had periodic other weird symptoms also. But I could no longer go on walks because it was painful to get home and I conserved my energy for just routine house jobs that had to be done. I started the Essiac the middle of November of 2016. By Christmas I was able to cook Christmas dinner for 12.  I am starting my 6th month and all my symptoms were gone after drinking it for  2 months .  I believe the prayer and trust in God accelerated my healing.  I continued to drink the tea and stayed on the aggressive plus treatment  and then moved down to the aggressive dose. I did not get any of the flu, colds, or stomach viruses that went around this winter. I remained healthy all winter doing whatever I wanted.  Even though I have one more month to go on the six month schedule, I will remain taking the maintenance dose  because it is good for my body and immune system.  I would like to encourage people with Lyme to try it especially if they have been taking antibiotics and are in pain. I never had any neurological symptoms emerge while on the tea either. No brain fog. Mind sharp. Essiac builds back a strong immune system.  I believe  this and it helps to get rid of the parasites that multiply in your body that carry the bacteria of Lyme  bacteria and it will cleanse your blood system of their parasitic debris that contributes to inflammation. This is what I believe based on my experience. I believe the slippery elm bark contributed to rid any arthritic pain I had due to the Lyme. I was able to go back on my walks again.  This stuff does destroy parasites and Lyme is not just a bacteria. It is parasites carrying the Lyme bacteria. That is why just taking antibiotics want get rid of it.  There are good essential oils that are good antibiotics for Lyme if you need that and it want kill off your immune system.  So if you have Lyme you should think about drinking Essiac tea and be diligent and stay the course of the treatment. Pray and trust the Great Physician because he is the best Doc out there.  I hope my testimony encourages people with Lyme disease that this tea should be in your treatment protocol for sure!  

- SB - Blacksburg, Virginia

Lymph Node Cancer

January 15, 2023

Had my last checkup..still have one lingering cancer tumor in my left lymph node.  so small that i do not need chemo. handing out more info to family and friends.  


December 12, 2022

I had surgery, chemo & radiation for Stage 1 triple negative breast cancer.  I've also been a diabetic for about 12 years.

Chemo has left me with several permanent side effects - Neuropathy in my hands so my hands are numb.  The doctor keeps saying (1) most people get the numbness in their feet (2) the numbness should go away after chemo has stopped.

Chemo stopped in March 2011.  I8 months later, I still have numb hands.  I've learned to function a bit better as long as I can see what I am doing.  However, my daughter-in-law has to put my earrings  in as I can't see what I'm doing & I can't feel.  You might not think this is a huge deal, but I'm not your typical 60 year old church-lady.  I currently have 20 earrings in my ears (so many earrings, so few piercings!!) so it becomes a major issue.

Corda Balliet

July 22, 2021

Gina, my husband , James, had lymph node cancer twice (surgery to remove, and radiation), but since taking Essiac tea, he is clear. Also his colonoscopy exam was clear last year. He used to have a lot of polyps before.  I also take Essiac tea. We haven't missed many days in a year. We only take a maintenance dose.  

-Judy Williams

Mammary Gland Cancer

August 29, 2018

I've been using your product for I believe 3 years with my now 12 year old Cairn Terrier who had mammary gland cancer surgically removed with minimal margins. She continues to be in excellent health. She is a Show Dog and continues to thrive! She was just in a show where everyone commented on how beautifully she moves and how fabulous she looks! 



March 11, 2023

Great stuff, I absolutely love it! I drink it for third stage melanoma which is now gone. Gina and Bryan, thank you! 

Rick Deacon

December 30, 2022

Thought I would share that a Functional Medicine Doctor friend of mine had a skin cancer growth  on his leg. When I shared my experience with essiac in treating post colorectal cancer surgery, he ordered essiac and made a paste to apply to his leg. After about 5 weeks. The cancer growth completely disappeared.

Dale Workman

October 12, 2021

Purchased this tea to keep my melanoma from returning. Still too early to tell, but I'm trying to be proactive than reactive. Tea arrived promptly and came with nice instructions. The taste is interesting (not bad but different) and I'm already getting used to it. Will order more once my tea runs out. I would recommend thus far.

Lisa T

August 21, 2019

My husband and I personally take the tea to keep our conditions in check. My husband has CLL, is a hep B carrier, has thyroid issues and kidneys that are leaking. He has received radiation for his thyroid and was given 2 courses of chemo earlier this year because his CLL and other health issues were not improving. By this time he couldn't work as he was too sick. So we increased his essiac to the aggressive dose and modified his diet. He was back at work within 4 months.

And my story. My melanoma came back after 3 years. A 6x4 cm inguinal tumour developed in my right leg of which my big toe was amputated 3 years ago. I felt really sick, and lost 6 kilos of weight in just over a week. I immediately increased the dose of tea to aggressive and drank fresh fruit juices and smoothies. Had no appetite for 2 weeks.

I was before drs and consultants within a week and was diagnosed at stage 3C. Drs literally hounded me to have a biopsy done and surgery to remove the tumour regardless if the biopsy determined it was malignant or not. 

I refused both, choosing to maintain the aggressive dosage of tea and modifying my food intake. 6 months later, the tumour has shrunk to 5x3 cms. My drs and consultants have accepted that I am taking responsibility for my own health, but left the door open that if things change, I have direct contact to them without the need to be referred.

As an aside when our country was hit with the flu, normally I would have been sick for 2-3 weeks. I was only out of action for a week. That I attribute to the tea.

We have shared the tea with a few people now who have been diagnosed with all sorts. I make them up a weeks brew so they can try it first, at no cost to them.  

Three people have ordered directly from you and those who can't afford to purchase bulk, we sell smaller quantities at cost. Those who can't afford to buy, we just give it to them. 

One guy with prostate issues bought a small amount off us to take to his alternative health practitioner to be tested. This guy didn't speak highly of the tea and mentioned these other supplements he was taking being better. He returned 2 months later to let us know that of all the supplements tested by his practitioner, essiac tea came back as the one that was the best for him. Needless to say, he left with more tea.

Okay, this is pretty lengthy. I leave it at that.



July 23, 2015

I have been using your tea since @ the fall of 2012...after finding the stage iv melanoma had advanced from my liver, lungs and stomach to my brain...doctors would eventually discover 98 tumors in my brain. Typically 5 tumors in brain carries a 6 week to live prognosis. Pleased to report I'm still here three years later. I can't say with clinical certainty that essaic was the thing that has kept me here but it has been part of the things I've been doing. Anyways if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. I recently started a blog called to share my health status with family and friends as well as share my story with anyone that might need to hear it. 

Take care and thanks for making this product available!

-Leland Fay

April 12, 2015

My sister Joni Duncan contacted you and Bryan and I was sent a package full of tea from your company. I only spoke with Bryan for a few moments to give him my address, so I wanted to send a personal THANK YOU to both of you.  I know you understand how difficult cancer is on its own and then the financial strain is added to the mix and things seem to just snowball.  

I am so incredibly thankful for your generous donation of tea to me while I am in the midst of this battle. I am thrilled to have the Essiac and I know it will benefit me in more ways than I can count. I have a big surgery coming up in a few days and feel much better knowing I will have the tea to aid in my recovery.  I was diagnosed in 2011 and decided to step away from traditional methods a year ago after I advanced to stage IV Metastatic Melanoma with mets to both lungs.  Since then, my health has done nothing but steadily improve and the tumors in my lungs have almost completely resolved on their own. I swear by natural methods as I have reaped the benefits again and again. I posted about your tea and your company on a private melanoma support group I am a member of. I did not mention that you sent the tea to me free of charge, I just recommended anyone looking to use Essiac should head over to your Facebook page and read about your company and all the benefits of your tea.  I have used Essiac in the past, but it was so dang expensive I had to stop. 

Y'all have the best pricing I have ever seen and your tea tastes much more pleasant than any I have ever used in the past.  Please send my thanks to Bryan as well. I will be sure to update you on my progress and send everyone your way! 

Thank you again,

Amanda Martin

Metal Poisoning

June 20, 2017

I give God the glory for leading me to you. I am 66 years old and have been dealing with metal poisoning for 20 years and Essiac tea has completely cleared my face and I am excited to see the other benefits that will show up as healing comes from the inside out. I take 9oz three times a day, which I will do for the at least 6 months. At the end of that time will assess, i know for sure i will do the 3oz two times a day for maintenance when I reach that time. thank you for carrying on with the original formula.

Cheri Spires

Multiple Myeloma

February 20, 2020

I have ordered your tea several times and, it has actually cured my husband of Multiple Myeloma. I tell everyone about this wonderful tea. Is it possible for you to add more than 1 brochure with the order I just placed? I like giving it to the people who have cancer. Thank you so much!


December 12, 2019

I am Gregg, Donna’s husband who is using the tea. Donna started but then quit early on. Here are my observations based upon about a years usage:

1. Like many supplements, it is hard to determine if one is receiving benefit since you can’t compare using versus not using.  One might be using the tea to help a shoulder ache which didn’t improve, but not realize that their digestion has improved.

2. I find the schedule difficult to use.  I have opted for the three a day dose of 3 oz each.  Because for best results you have to wait two hours after eating and one hour before eating, I have to get up at 5:30 am to take the first dose and then go back to bed for 45 minutes or so.  My third dose is about 9:00 just before bed, and the second about 2-3:00 in the afternoon. My big problem is that I like to snack and that messes with the waiting times.

3. I am 66 and was diagnosed with prostate cancer last fall.  I had been taking the tea since early 2018 I think.  My PSA continued to rise, so did the tea slow the rise?  I don’t know.  I also have a nodule in my lung that the pulmonary doctor is concerned about, and again I don’t know how to know if the tea has had a positive effect on this.

4.  My brother in law has multiple myeloma (may not be spelled right) and he was given about 6 months to live.  He started the tea and other drugs and diet changes, and is still alive 10 years later.  The doctors are amazed.  He swears by the tea.

Thank you for offering this product which contains some great ingredients.  I got used to the taste quickly.

Gregg Mathewson

October 20, 2019

I have been taking Essiac Tea for over 11 years, I have Multiple Myeloma, it has helpted to keep it under control, even my Dr. says it works. Thank you so much.



Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma

August 22, 2021

I had stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma and was told by my oncologist I would never make remission. Well, guess what? I immediately started on the aggressive plus dose the end of October 2020. I am in remission. I told my oncologist what I was taking during chemo. I would not be in remission if it weren't for the chemo and for the essiac tea.

Judi Rost

September 1, 2010

Just received my third order of Essiac tea. Thanks for the prompt service.  I also felt it was finally time to thank you for providing the product that you do. I was diagnosed in April 2007 with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and had a tumor removed from my small intestine. Ordered my first batch of tea from you shortly after that but did not reorder when that was gone. Cancer came back in January 2010 on a PET scan and was confirmed through tissue biopsy in April. Declined the recommended Radiation treatment and started a program to improve my overall health. Eventually took an early retirement, switched to a mostly whole foods diet and ordered more Essiac Tea! Had another PET scan in April of this year and anxiously waited for the results, in the words of the Radiologist "The biopsy-confirmed recurrent lymphoma has slightly increased in size, but its metabolism has completely resolved. I do not understand  the meaning of this interval change." Confusing for him and my oncologist but good news for me!  Of course my primary doctor and my oncologist both say the tea and life style changes would not account for the reversal in my condition but are not able to explain what has happened. They want me to have another PET scan in October, mainly because of the increased size of the mass.

I am currently dosing with Essiac Tea twice a day [mainly because I have trouble remembering the mid-day dose] 3 oz./dose. I will let you know how the October PET scan goes.

Roy Hubacek

July 13, 2009

My wife Susie has been drinking 16 oz of Essiac tea daily for 30 months as part of our cancer (non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma) treatment protocol. We discovered you web-site offering bulk quantities sales several months ago and will continue that path for the future.

Thanks for what you do,may God bless us all.



Caking on the Omentum

December 10, 2020

One year ago I was very sick...bloated abdomen and such a pain in my side I thought I must be having a gall bladder attack. Many tests later I was told I had 'caking' on the omentum (didn't even know we had an omentum!) which was a result of cancer somewhere else. None of the many MRI, ultra sound, CAT scan, ex-rays detected a tumor anywhere.  but the bloating was a fluid build up.  I had the fluid drained 4 times.  First drain it was sent to a lab and result, peritoneal cancer.  Oncologist wanted to operate, I refused.  I did agree to chemo. And I ordered Bulk Essiac right away. After 3 months of weekly chemo, they could do no more.  other than my hair falling out no one would have known I was having chemo, I felt way too good during it. In January 2018, the oncologist pretty much wrote me off, I felt. Did not see the need to re-examine to see if chemo did any good. Said I could skip the final 2 chemos as I developed neuropathy and he said it 'would not have an affect on the outcome"

The CA125 test is the only thing they used as a gauge.  Normal is 30-35.  For the past 6 months my CA125 is 12!!! I now put the tea powder into capsules. I will use this remedy for the rest of my life!  thank you


Ovarian Cancer

June 14, 2022

During recovery from ovarian cancer surgery in 1999, I used essiac tea every day along with a holistic blend of herbs, aromatherapy and massage. My cancer doctor is amazed that I have had no reoccurrence. I am in the 2 % of survivors from this type of cancer.

Warreen Janiece Ippolito

September 24, 2021

I am happy to review this product. Essiac Tea has improved my health immensely. I feel the effects immediately. I was also very happy that 2 fatty lipomas that are along my sciatic nerve and were growing and causing pain have now almost completely disappeared. I attribute this to drinking Essiac Tea. I also gave some to a friend who is undergoing chemotherapy for Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. She reports that she has a much easier time with the chemotherapy when drinking the tea. She is not taking a dose recommended for fighting cancer, just 3 oz a day, yet it still helps her quite a bit. I have only ever used this brand of Essiac Tea and have no plans to switch as it works very well for me and is easy to prepare. I'm not crazy about the taste or the silt but it's much MUCH better than the health struggles it alleviates. 

Deborah Lyons

October 24, 2018

In 2005 I went to bed one night with a very flat stomach and woke up the next morning looking like I was 9 months pregnant. I went to the Doctors for many months as my stomach got bigger and bigger trying to find out what was going on, and then I got the email. IF YOU EVER EXPERIENCE RAPID ENLARGEMENT OF THE STOMACH TAKE IT SERIOUS AS IT COULD BE OVARIAN CANCER. I immediately went back to my Doctor and told him that I wanted to be tested for Ovarian Cancer. His reply was, YOUR INSURANCE MAY NOT PAY FOR IT. My reply was, I DON'T CARE, I WANT THE TEST ANYWAY. A couple of days later I got the phone call, 'YOUR DOCTOR WANTS TO SEE YOU TODAY", and sure enough it was Ovarian Cancer. And then I got lucky. 

A lady drove 300 miles with a bottle of ESSIAC TEA. Because she went to so much trouble I felt that I owed it to her to take it serious and when I got online and checked it out, I read - THIS TEA HAS SAVED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE FROM DYING FROM CANCER. It has now been 13 Years and I have no sign of Cancer. I had a belly full of Ascities Fluid full of cancer cells which couldn't be cut out, and I was told that I definitely would die. Shortly after that a lady drove from Seattle with a bottle of your tea, and to this day the first thing that enters my body every day is one cup of ESSIAC TEA. I am now 80 years old and my hair is still blond, I don't wear glasses, my figure is still the same as when I was in my 20's and I can still run, skip, hop and jump, and I am still raising a 9 year old.  We introduced the tea to the Church that we go to and many people have come down with cancer, and NOT ONE PERSON HAS DIED.  

Marlene Traynor


Spokane, WA

Pancreatic Cancer

June 21, 2019

Today we met with a radiologist who said there is hope of my 76 yo husband being cancer free after radiation treatment.  He completed 4 mo of chemo for stage 3 pancreatic cancer.   We are beyond thrilled with this prospect.  In addition to the Whipple surgery and conventional medicine, he has taken therapeutic doses of essiac tea and other supplements, so we feel that all this and faith have combined to bring about this unexpected blessing.


August 20, 2018

I would like to order 6 one ounce bags (which is not an option on the ordering page) because I give them to people to try Essiac when I tell them about it. My 2nd bout with Pancreatic cancer is not bothering me after I went through the treatments this Winter and Spring while taking Essiac as I had done 20 years ago. It is still a fight with the medical field to take Essiac. By now they have all heard of it, but do not want to admit that something other than their drugs are effective. Infuriating!I 

-Kathleen Powers 

February 10, 2018

I am a pancreatic cancer survivor and I've been on this tea for probably 10 years. When I first started my cancer numbers were up and this tea brought my numbers down. I'm very thankful and I give full credit to God for allowing me to find the tea and be a 14 year survivor. I also was told I had a tumor on my liver and after being on the tea and having another scan the doctor told me it was a cyst. So my THANKS TO GOD FIRST AND TEA SECOND.

Thank you very much,

Bonnie Galford

Pancreatic Tumor

April 26, 2019

Hi Gina,

I have been using Essiac for about two years.  I originally started when an IPMN was discovered in my pancreas while they were hunting for kidney stones.  A providential discovery for sure.

So far, it has not grown any larger.  I am due for a look at it again in a few months. I was introduced to Essiac about eight years ago when my husband was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. He was on so many meds that I really did not push the Essiac.  He passed within two years of diagnosis.

But when I was diagnosed, I felt that the Essiac might be helpful.  I have read many of the books published on Essiac and those written by Rene Caisse as well.  So, I have been a faithful user for these two years.

I also started giving it to my ailing, 11 year old dog.  I have to say that I believe it has helped him as well. Although now, at 12, I think age is beginning to have its way, but he is still hanging in there.  He is a 90 pound Black Lab named Harvey.

My daughter is also using Essiac for a few months now.  She is 26 and has always suffered from digestive issues and acne.  I am happy to say that both of these things are much improved and she swears by Essiac as well.

Thank you for checking in.  It is nice to know that you stand behind your product and care about your users.


Leslie Dunaiski


May 17, 2019

My mom has Polycythemia Vera and has taking the essiac tea now for 5 months. She now has normal red and white blood cell count. Last week was her first normal white blood cell count in 10 years. What a blessing!  We are believing for her spleen to function normal and shrink in size next.

Onesha Steward

Progressive Large B Cell Lymphoma

July 22, 2020

My momma is still going strong since being diagnosed with the deadly Progressive Large B cell lymphoma almost two and a half years ago.  

The tea is working great so far for my husband (who has prostate cancer) and my dad (who has lung cancer).

My dad went in for a CT scan in Dec to check the tumors and we were told that they were stable, meaning not growing and one had disappeared.  Thank you for this tea.

Doris Lehman

Preventive/Staying in Remission

April 21, 2020

During recovery from ovarian cancer surgery in 1999, I used esseac tea every day along with a holistic blend of herbs, aromatherapy and massage. My cancer doctor is amazed that I have had no reoccurance. I am in the 2 % of survivors from this type of cancer.

We had our family together this week-end to discuss our plans for re-activating our Essiac distribution business again in South Africa.

I think you will find it interesting that my Father in Law (aged 84 and Mother in Law Aged 81) have been using Essiac since he had two heart attacks about 4 years ago. The doctors could not understand why their health increased so much, but both of them had been taken off their hypertension medication and live free from any symptoms. They will assist with selling the product as before.

-Pieter Pepler

December 20, 2019

I had bought the tea on October 23 and we got it a few days later. I had already made a 1/2 gal batch and was really enjoying the flavor and all when October the 30th came, we were at the rehearsal for our middle son's wedding.  My wife was tending to one of the grandchildren when she tripped and fell breaking her right wrist. Well we have had a real challenge with her regaining the use and strength in that hand.  Well, just a couple of weeks ago we started using the essiac tea again.  We don't have any signs of cancer but we know that it is in our systems just waiting for us to misuse our bodies and not eat or drink the best we can get or get slack on our choices and we could be facing a "real wake-up call".  

Thank you for checking up on us and asking.  We have been using the maintenance dose and when one of us "Just don't feel right", we will take 2 or 3 times that day or two and we will feel much better afterwards then we will go back to the single dose per day. 

We are so thankful that you have continued what Caisse started because as a child in the 1950's my parents and grand parents were in touch with an Indian "doctor" who knew about the different herbs and was healing cancer and all kinds of problems people were having that the doctors could not explain how they were healed, but the patients knew. God will always provide a way for those that seek, ask, and knock.  May God keep blessing you and what you are doing to carry this on for the next generation.

Bill and Vivian Maddox

Prostate Cancer

February 15, 2023

My dad has been using your tea daily for 10 years after he was diagnosed with prostrate cancer, so far he remains cancer free! 

Best Regards, 


January 12, 2022

Hello. So far my husband's psa has not gone up as it had started to do several years after his prostate was removed.  But has remained low!  So good so far.  

Thank you for asking. He is not the most diligent in taking it every day.  But takes it about 6 out of 7 days per week at maintenance dose.

Christine Fromherz

January 22, 2021

I have been drinking the tea formula as directed since February when I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.

I had a follow up MRI three weeks ago and the cancer is completely gone.

I am doing great now.


Jorge Lamadrid

December 28, 2019

Your product helps with the side affects from hormone therapy. I have prostrate cancer and have been fighting the fatigue, weight gain and hot flashes associated with this treatment.  I found this tea in the summer of 2019. I have been using your tea for about 4 months and it seems to be slowly lessening the symptoms.

Barry Stevens

May 14, 2019

Well I have prostate cancer and I have been using essiac for some time now. The cancer is not speading. I am alive. All is well. Thanks.

Bruce W. Schultz Sr.

February 20, 2017

I brought this Essaic Tea immediately after my husband was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. I had always remembered from “The Truth about Cancer” internet series that Essiac Tea was a good place to start in fighting cancer, any cancer…my husband’s PSA was 7.52 on January 6th, 2017. We got the results of my husband’s biopsy on Feb. 8th, 2017 and 2 of the 7 biopsy sites were of mid-range levels so even though Prostate cancer is generally a slow growing cancer, we felt we had to decide what treatment to take asap. After deciding on radiation, my husband underwent 28 sessions. All the while, we both drank 2-3 small glasses of Essiac Tea each day. When we went back for the results of his PSA test in early June, his doctor came in and said his PSA results “were phenomenal” for this initial test. They were 4.9. He said he wants my husband’s PSA to stay between 4-5 for the duration of his life, so this initial test of 4.9 was terrific and he was “very pleased”.. And when I had my annual physical and blood tests later in June, many of my levels were lower, much better from years past, so we can only attribute both these great results to our continuing to drink this tea…thank you for providing this quality product for us!


Patty & Ron Kuehl

Port Washington, WI

November 12, 2015

I have been a steady customer since around 2012 I believe. I had a prostate removed due to cancer and now consume your tea as a preventive. So far so good! Thanks! My cats get some at times too. The quality is outstanding. Please never change a thing!

Allen Goodall

November 20, 2014

I can't say enough about your product. Not only did it deal with my prostate cancer but last Fall I went to visit a friend who was dying of bladder cancer which had spread throughout his body. He'd been on chemo, etc., all to no avail. I talked him into trying the tea. Six weeks later when I checked in he was cancer free and going to the gym. Need I say more? I'll be back for more.. for use as detox on a regular basis.

Huntington Barclay

March 26, 2009

My husband is using it for his prostate cancer taking it every day his level blood count is way down which is good also we have put the word out so we got u more people buying the tea thank you


April  29, 2008

Dear Bryan,

I've been using Essiac since 02-23-08. I started out drinking it 2 times a day. After talking to you I changed to 3 times a day for the past 2 months. In Jan my PSA count was 1.62. Yesterday it was 1.18. My family was elated. I will continue 3 times a day until the 6 months supply is gone. I want to thank you for the help. If I can get the count down to ZERO I'll be your biggest mouth-piece to the world.

Thomas A. Carroll

July 26, 2007

About to order more. My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January and his psa numbers have gone down to nearly normal according to recent blood test. 

Alex Palmer

March 13, 2007

Hi Gina,

I just wanted to share this update with you,  Joey had a PSA done after 4 months on the tea, it has dropped from 7.3 to 5.2.  We are thrilled with the results. 

Thank you so very much for having this available.  

Have a very blessed day.  

Thank you 


Prostate Condition

April 22, 2022

Hello Gina,

The tea has made it possible for my friend to keep improving with his prostrate condition.  He is now seeing the doctor every six months for follow-up and is in much better overall health.

You and Bryan have made it possible for people to regain their health and well being, and allow their bodies to heal with the great benefits of the essiac tea.

Many thanks to both of you for making the tea available and may you continue to be blessed in all you do.


Michael Parafinik

July 26, 2021

I checked my most recent blood test and my PSA continues to drop🙂 . Treatment seems to be working. I had 2 different needle biopsies to find I have 2 tumors and Gleason 3,3. I know PSA is not very reliable, but I am digging the trend.

7/23/21 5.9

5/26/21 6.9

3/19/21 7.2

2/19/19 6.0

3/30/17 3.9

I started the Mediterranean diet and began taking Essiac Tea in March 2021. I went to Huber Personalized Medicine in April. Dr. Huber told me to continue the Essiac Tea but added several more things.

Probiotic, Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract, Buffered vitamin C, Vitamin D, Low dose Naltrexone, Metformin, Green tea extract, Zinc, Crucera extract, Saw Palmetto

Essiac Tea doesn't taste very good but it is medicine so as they say pinch your nose and bottoms up. It works.

Thomas Helmers 

February 12, 2021

thank you, my prostate problems have gone away, I will be checked in 6 months, my numbers are great now

Eric Hedin

September 10, 2020

My husband has prostate cancer and has been on your team for about two months and his PSA levels came down from 8 1/2 to 6 1/2 and now I have lung problems and I’m just starting on it myself. Thank you So Very Much!!


Rectal Cancer

August 15, 2022

Seven years ago I had surgery to remove a cancerous rectal tumor that was discovered the year before, and was growing at an alarming rate. I was advised to undergo chemotherapy and radiation. I did for four months but I felt so sick all the time that I couldn't bear to continue. I felt my best course of action was to follow an organic diet and investigate alternative treatments. I stumbled upon essiac tea and began to take it. 

I had a colonoscopy a little over six months later, and there was no cancer. I continue to have an examination every year and there is no cancer at all. I don't know if essiac tea is a miracle or what, but it seemed to have done the trick for me. I continue to take the maintenance dose and it gives me incredible piece of mind that I am purging my body of the toxins that may lead to more cancer. Thank you for providing this product. I sincerely feel that I owe my life to it.

Mary T., Massachusetts 

Salivary Gland Tumor Metastasized to Lungs


November 15, 2016

Hello Gina, Joe, my husband, was diagnosed with aggressive sarcoma in Aug 2015. Sept 8th 2015 I started him on your Essiac tea. After radiation, surgery, more radiation and now immunotherapy he is still kicking. He takes his Essiac everyday. Of course we know that it is the Grace of God that has made us victorious! God puts these herbs on earth to help us. Joe's (my husband) cancer usually has a poor prognosis but now we are confident that he will have many more years to be joyful on earth. Thanks for your help.

Thanks for a great product.

Mary Lockwood


July 17, 2021

Hi! I use Essiac everyday for maintenance. I have also shared it with some friends. I am running out of it and need to reorder soon. I don’t have cancer but I have scleroderma and it sure does help me feel less stressed and gives me more energy. All in all, I am very satisfied. I will order soon.  

-Trini Vaquera


February 22, 2022

We absolutely love it! We purchased it with desperate hope that my dear dear 37 year old friend who was newly diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer, would drink it. She did not. She was stage 4 when diagnosed and just could not palate much of anything. 

My husband and I began drinking it and love the way we feel. My fairly severe sciatica is GONE. A non issue! We will continue as long as it's available, to drink it just for our health.

Thank You!!!!


September 27, 2021

I have given your website to many people now promoting the great effects of Essiac. Some people are leary while others really believe it after they see how I look. I've only taken it for a month. I have scleroderma and Essiac had given me energy and alertness that I had not had before. It also has controlled a lot of my AR pain. Praise God!

Trinidad Vaquera

Small Intestine Cancer

June 22, 2021

I just want you to know that I really appreciate the fact that you were kind enough to give me tea without charge, as I am very low on funds. In return, I am trying to market the tea, and that is not difficult, to anyone interested. Again, you both are very kind to do what you do. Ok so my story is that the Duhaime family are members of my church, they live in CT. The simply sent me some tea via the mail. One day I walked outside and the box was on my porch. I was hesitant at first, but then decided to give it a try, as George Duhaime bragged about how it worked for him. I drank it while undergoing chemo therapy. I was diagnosed with small intestine cancer and after my treatment was completed, I underwent an experimental surgergy called hypec. Tests revealed that the cancer had spread to my spleen, stomach and small intestine. The surgery revealed that the cancer was very localized in the spleen and small intestine. The surgeon was going to infuse chemo during the surgery, but decided not to because the tumors shrunk to nothing. He was stunned at the situation. I also found that the tea helped me withstand the chemo much better than when I was not drinking it. Unfortunately, due to my limited finances I stopped drinking the tea, and had a re-occurrence this past summer. The doctors found a small tumor in my colin. I do think the tea is miraculous and will continue to drink as much as I can. Again, I cannot thank you and Bryan enough for your generosity.  

Lisa Pressman

September 12, 2020

I had a six inch tumor removed in June that was attached to my small intestine. It was malignant. Having heard about Essiac Tea, I opted to use it to support my health rather than the daily pill offered to me that was known to have toxic symptoms for most users as well as being extremely expensive. I started by taking essiac three times a day, and was shocked to find how well I felt. Truly healthy @ age 76! Because my system couldn't tolerate 3x/day, I dropped down to twice a day, and still feel wonderfully healthy even tho I did feel amazing at 3x/day. I tell EVERYONE who will listen about Essiac in hope that it will bring about health and healing without chemo or radiation and their devastating effects. I so appreciate the philosophy, attentiveness, and efficiency of this company and highly recommend it to all! Thanks, Bryan!



Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Dog

October 3, 2019

We have been using the Essiac tea in conjunction with apricot kernels to treat our dog’s cancer for 4 1/2 years now! He is doing great and we seem to have kept the cancer at bay. He was diagnosed at 4 years old with soft tissue sarcoma. He just celebrated his 9th birthday!

Joanne Briand

Spine Cancer

September 14, 2004

We never had essiac tea before, but I know it helped my dad last year with the cancer on his spine. 

After my dad came home from the hospital, the week before Christmas in 2003, he was on oxy-cotin, and was in pain (They radiated his 'whole' spine). Basically, they sent him home to die. I brought him essiac and he started taking it, just to appease my sister and me. Two days after taking the essiac tea, his pain went away. His pain went away after two days, no more pills, and his cat scans were very good, the doctors were amazed. 

However my dad is a retired electrical engineer and thinks prescription drugs are the way to go, not 'voodoo' stuff. Of course, he didn't attribute getting well to the tea. I keep saying, 'God made herbs.' He stopped the essiac tea in the spring. The cancer did spread again in the summers and now he is in a cancer 'vaccine' testing. He has some at his house if he so chooses (It is hard for my parents right now, since their youngest, my brother passed away at age 34 on Sept 15). I have seen this works and with our colds and knowing what we really eat, what is contained in our milks beef, and chicken--we like the idea of purging cancer causers from our bodies. The tea we got my dad was not the 'original' essiac tea, which is why I did buy in bulk from you. Thanks for offering it to us at a great price. 

God didn't give me a gift to 'write'..but I still try.


Stage 2 Bladdar Cancer

July 4, 2011

I am writing because I believe Essiac is the best on the market today. I have stage 2 bladder cancer, level three asbeatosis and kidney stones. I've have 173 stones since 1938! I've been through so many conventional treatments including chemo and radiation as well as the E.C.S.L. laser. Back in 2009 they doctors said I would make it 4-5 more years. Essiac has proven different. I am cancer free according to my last P.E.T. scan. And want to stay that way!

Dave Morris

Stage 4 Breast Cancer

August 1, 2021

I think your tea is great. I have stage 4 breast cancer and just had a bone scan and this were the findings. The first time they have said it in writing. 

I had mulitple metastatic lesions throughout my ribs, spine, skull, and left side of upper sacrum and left acetabular region. They are less prominent than on the last scan indicating improvement.

Terry Hanscom

Stage 4 Cancer

June 10, 2016

A friend of ours has been taking essiac tea for years and years now. He didn't get it from your company, but I believe it is the same thing. His is the eight herb formula like you have on this site. 

My friend was at one point given less than a month to live, and that is when he tried the tea. That was in 1990 and he is still alive today. This is unbelievable to me! I have cancer and would like to try this 'miracle tea' for myself.

Earl Barrington, Tennessee 

April 12, 2015

I have been Stage IV cancer into my 12th year from day one. I have used Essiac Tea for about 10 years. My doctors have been astounded. I am 70 years old and take no drugs of any kind except for 2.5 prednisone which I will stop in about 2 weeks. Folks take charge of your health. No one else can do it for you. 


Stage 4 Cancer in Dog

March 20, 2012

Thank you! We are using it for our dog who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She seems to be doing great and we are very glad we purchased this! 

-Kathy Goodman

June 12, 2011

I am so thankful for the samples you provided for my pup Drey last year. He made a speedy recovery after the mass was removed and adding Essiac tea in his diet. He even regained his youthful vigor, long walks, jumping on to furniture and playing fetch again. It's really wonderful.

In gratitude,

-Cristina Rivera

Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer

June 4, 2008

As some of you know, a couple weeks ago my gastro doc prescribed a colonoscopy and also a PET-scan on my carcus - just to be sure I still had no active cancers.  The colonoscopy was negative and this morning I got the results of the PET-scan that was done yesterday morning.  The result:   "no evidence of any malignancy".  

Recall that in Oct of 07, I was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer and about 10" of my lower colon was removed along with about 15 lymp nodes in that area.  Although two oncologists strongly recommended a "simultaneous agressive course of chemo and radiation" I opted to not go that route in favor of a more natural attack on the problem - viz: the use of essiac tea, an alkaline diet, serious prayer, etc.  

Now if only I could get this blood/sugar issue under control I'd be even more happy!  But praise the Lord for this great news today! 

Thank you all for your continued prayers.  Peace …

-Thomas J Zeitvogel

Stage 4 Lung, Bone and Brain Cancer

Stage 3 Melanoma

January 15, 2022

Great stuff, I absolutely love it! I drink it for third stage melanoma which is now gone. Gina and Bryan, thank you! 

Rick Deacon

August 21, 2019

My husband and I personally take the tea to keep our conditions in check. My husband has CLL, is a hep B carrier, has thyroid issues and kidneys that are leaking. He has received radiation for his thyroid and was given 2 courses of chemo earlier this year because his CLL and other health issues were not improving. By this time he couldn't work as he was too sick. So we increased his essiac to the aggressive dose and modified his diet. He was back at work within 4 months.

And my story. My melanoma came back after 3 years. A 6x4 cm inguinal tumour developed in my right leg of which my big toe was amputated 3 years ago. I felt really sick, and lost 6 kilos of weight in just over a week. I immediately increased the dose of tea to aggressive and drank fresh fruit juices and smoothies. Had no appetite for 2 weeks.

I was before drs and consultants within a week and was diagnosed at stage 3C. Drs literally hounded me to have a biopsy done and surgery to remove the tumour regardless if the biopsy determined it was malignant or not. 

I refused both, choosing to maintain the aggressive dosage of tea and modifying my food intake. 6 months later, the tumour has shrunk to 5x3 cms. My drs and consultants have accepted that I am taking responsibility for my own health, but left the door open that if things change, I have direct contact to them without the need to be referred.

As an aside when our country was hit with the flu, normally I would have been sick for 2-3 weeks. I was only out of action for a week. That I attribute to the tea.

We have shared the tea with a few people now who have been diagnosed with all sorts. I make them up a weeks brew so they can try it first, at no cost to them.  

Three people have ordered directly from you and those who can't afford to purchase bulk, we sell smaller quantities at cost. Those who can't afford to buy, we just give it to them. 

One guy with prostate issues bought a small amount off us to take to his alternative health practitioner to be tested. This guy didn't speak highly of the tea and mentioned these other supplements he was taking being better. He returned 2 months later to let us know that of all the supplements tested by his practitioner, essiac tea came back as the one that was the best for him. Needless to say, he left with more tea.

Okay, this is pretty lengthy. I leave it at that.



Stage 4 Melanoma

July 23, 2015

I have been using your tea since @ the fall of 2012...after finding the stage iv melanoma had advanced from my liver, lungs and stomach to my brain...doctors would eventually discover 98 tumors in my brain. Typically 5 tumors in brain carries a 6 week to live prognosis. Pleased to report I'm still here three years later. I can't say with clinical certainty that essaic was the thing that has kept me here but it has been part of the things I've been doing. Anyways if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. I recently started a blog called to share my health status with family and friends as well as share my story with anyone that might need to hear it. 

Take care and thanks for making this product available!

-Leland Fay

Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma

October 10, 2022

My sister Joni Duncan contacted you and Bryan and I was sent a package full of tea from your company. I only spoke with Bryan for a few moments to give him my address, so I wanted to send a personal THANK YOU to both of you.  I know you understand how difficult cancer is on its own and then the financial strain is added to the mix and things seem to just snowball.  

I am so incredibly thankful for your generous donation of tea to me while I am in the midst of this battle. I am thrilled to have the Essiac and I know it will benefit me in more ways than I can count. I have a big surgery coming up in a few days and feel much better knowing I will have the tea to aid in my recovery.  I was diagnosed in 2011 and decided to step away from traditional methods a year ago after I advanced to stage IV Metastatic Melanoma with mets to both lungs.  Since then, my health has done nothing but steadily improve and the tumors in my lungs have almost completely resolved on their own. I swear by natural methods as I have reaped the benefits again and again. I posted about your tea and your company on a private melanoma support group I am a member of. I did not mention that you sent the tea to me free of charge, I just recommended anyone looking to use Essiac should head over to your Facebook page and read about your company and all the benefits of your tea.  I have used Essiac in the past, but it was so dang expensive I had to stop. 

Y'all have the best pricing I have ever seen and your tea tastes much more pleasant than any I have ever used in the past.  Please send my thanks to Bryan as well. I will be sure to update you on my progress and send everyone your way! 

Thank you again,

Amanda Martin

Stage 4 Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma

September 12, 2021

I had stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma and was told by my oncologist I would never make remission. Well, guess what? I immediately started on the aggressive plus dose the end of October 2020. I am in remission. I told my oncologist what I was taking during chemo. I would not be in remission if it weren't for the chemo and for the essiac tea.

Judi Rost

Stage 4 Prostate Cancer

Stage 4 Stomach Cancer

January 16, 2021

I had originally ordered this for my 51 year old friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer.  I have been taking the tea daily for over a year as a preventative measure.  I really feel the difference when I don't take it on a regular basis.  My friend has been doing great and her scans are showing "all clear"  the Doctors are amazed!

-Anne Subaric

March 12, 2020

My wife has stomach cancer it was diagnosed at stage 4. She had a 3rd of her stomach removed and multiple infections and was told she would not be able to eat anymore and was on a TPN. I started giving her the tea after she started chemotherapy and she started to feel hunger. we started introducing food to her a little at a time and now she is eating normally, she go's to the gym once a day and went from 100lbs to 136lbs which is her normal weight. I don't know 100% that it is the tea but I am grateful for her improving health. I have recommended the tea to a lot of people and I also take it. As long as she improves I will be giving her the tea. 


Throat Cancer

June 16, 2022

Gina, I am doing fine, I am still taking it 3 times a day. My condition was that I had cancer in my throat twice. Both times the cancer was removed. 3 years after the first removal it reappeared the second removal was 6 years ago, that's when I started taking Essiac and the cancer has not reoccurred.

-William Barr

Thyroid Cancer in Dog

October 15, 2014

We have been using Essiac Tea twice a day to treat thyroid cancer in our Black Labrador. In October, 2013 he was diagnosed with inoperable thyroid cancer and given 3 to 6 months. He is still with us. He turned 12 in May, and is just as playful and full of life as a puppy.


Thyroid Problems

March 17, 2018

My wife has had thyroid problems since she was 15 now 65 no more thyroid problems

Thomas Daniel


October 12, 2019

The first tumor started in the eustachian tube, then went to left lumph, then to 8 places in the bones (all over from lower back to hip to breast bone).  Total of 10 tumors.  Stage 4 but all gone now (praising God!).   I prayed, drank your tea, did a lot of Vit C IV’s, Mistletoe shots, supplements, coffee enema’s, juiced and did 6 sessions of chemo.

Thanks for rejoicing with me!


November 23, 2017

I have been using Genuine Essiac tea for breast cancer since July and am so glad I did. Last scan showed tumor has shrunk 30%! And now I can hardly feel the tumor! (it was very easy to feel before). My next scan is in April and I'm thinking it's gone, or at least almost gone! No chemo, no radiation, no surgery!

Ruth Temple

October 10, 2017

My inoperable tumor has been stable for over a year. And my most recent scan showed the tumor went from 6.4 cm to 5.2 cm. So I am super excited!!!



July 21, 2017

Hello to you Gina,

My wife and I are both taking the Essiac daily. The wife is taking it for breast cancer using the aggressive plus dose and I the preventative dose. Wife says that her tumors are shrinking and just some small soft spots are left. Besides that, she is also doing the Budwig quark & flax-seed oil concoction daily for breakfast, avoiding sugar, taking Beta1,3D Glucan, a high dose of vitamin D3, zinc, iodine and vitamin B12 etc. It's hard to tell what is helping her but we will continue her on the high dosage of Essiac until her condition clears up and then will continue with the maintenance dose. With me it the watery eyes and year-long having to blow my nose have gone away and the pain on my left side too. I have back problems and if I could take care it that with something natural that would be wonderful. I think that I found something that I will order to help my back and joints and that is Collagen UC-2. 

Have you got any stories from people that have cured themselves of cancer that you have not put on your website (to avoid trouble with the government) that you could share with us? We would enjoy those.

I appreciate what you do to help people with problems! I hope that your company has a very long future.

Bernard T. Orsák

January 29, 2016

We are almost out. I need to order. I hope you have been getting a few referrals from me. I loved your booklet with directions and lots of extras and so easy to prepare. The results...I am amazed. We had to wait a little bit after my sons surgery to start because of other meds. We just started him on the tea in Nov. 

The tumor has gone down half the size. We know it is the tea because we stopped all other things (even natural) other than the essiac. I also have a couple of my other kids and myself drink it for other reasons and just gave a quart to my friend who has kidney stones.

Karen Clark

Tumor Under Arm

February 19, 2021

I ordered the tea for my sister who had a tumor under her arm.  She took the tea for several months and the tumor is gone. I ordered it for myself as I have fibrocystic breasts and recently found a tumor.  Will let you know the outcome.

-Doreen James

Type II Diabetes

March 1, 2006

Bill and I have been drinking essiac tea for three months now (me more consistently than him, but he is getting better) and it has done wonders for my type II diabetes. I also notice a lessening of sugar cravings in general, which has allowed me to drop 10 lbs. without really thinking about it. This is good for me as I am still about 30 lbs. overweight, hopefully not for long. My test results re: the diabetes have returned to normal. I hope my husband will receive the same benefits. His diabetes was a bit worse off than mine was to begin with, and like I said he hasn't been as consistent as I have with taking his essiac tea. Now that he has seen me improve so much, though, he appears to be more motivated with his own treatment. I find that many men aren't interested in the herbal remedies but once they see them work in action they come around. I have found my breathing improve as well, is this one of the benefits of essiac tea (I am asthmatic). Please send us another of the same order we got three months ago on 11/29/05, and thank you for all of your help over the phone, etc. these past months.

Gayle and Bill T. 

September 22, 2005

I can sure tell when I have skipped and have not been drinking the tea.  I love it. I go in every three months to get A1C checked and it is staying close to normal and don’t have to be on any medication. It totally got rid of a cyst under the eyelid and has gotten rid of other lumps and bumps. I am going to stay on this the rest of my life. Thank u for making this available. It’s been a godsend and a blessing.


Thyroid Condition

July 19, 2021

I have a thyroid condition & my dog has cancer. I am pleased with the results of the tea!

Shelly Donohue


December 15, 2021

Everything is good. I love essiac tea. It helps me with: urinary track infections and itching. It also keeps me regular. Thanks for checking on me. Have a great day.

Annetta Anderson

Weight Loss

September 11, 2019

I ordered the tea for a friend and myself. We are taking it just to improve our health in general. And it has done a wonderful job for us both! Both have lost weight and have much more energy and feel so much better. Thank you for checking in with me. That was very thoughtful of you.

-Brenda Rohrer

July 2, 2018

Wow, great stuff! I purchased this powder on a hunch it would help me feel better. Not sure it did anything for that or not but my wife tried it and wow. She is 58 years old and walks daily 5 miles or more. She is in great shape but has always carried extra weight in her hips and butt. She lifted weights for years and nothing seemed to eliminate the extra fat. This stuff burned it off and I mean gone. I bet she lost 3" in her butt and hips. She feels great now is much much slimmer. She no longer goes to the gym. I have started back on it now. I am hoping it takes a few pounds off of me. I believe this will keep us cancer free. 


Watch how to make Essiac tea in under 1 minute

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Purchase your own supply of essiac tea today. It's the same essiac Rene Caisse used.

Essiac tea takes just 10 minutes to prepare once every two weeks. It costs less than $1 per day to use.

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Click here to order our most popular size of essiac: the six month supply at aggressive/improvement of health serving size. It lasts 9 months at the maintenance serving size.

cats claw essiac

If you'd rather start with a smaller supply of essiac, you can purchase it here. This lasts two months at the aggressive/improvement of health serving size, or three months at the maintenance serving size.

Disclaimer: Essiac is not FDA tested and has not been FDA approved as a treatment or cure for any health problem. We do not represent it as such on this site. You must determine whether essiac is a product you should pursue. We have provided accounts and descriptions that represent the opinions of a variety of experts as well as actual users of essiac in the form of these essiac tea testimonials. We believe that our formula is the best essiac formula being sold in the world. However, we do not endorse anything on this site as medical fact.

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