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Dr. Charles Brusch and Rene Caisse Collaborated to Conduct Clinical Trials on Essiac Beginning in 1959.

Master Herbalist Elmer Gove assisted Dr. Charles Brusch and Rene Caisse in further developing the essiac formula.

The story of essiac didn't begin with Dr. Charles Brusch, although he was a critical player. It began decades before when Rene Caisse heard about an herbal recipe from an elderly female patient. This patient was staying in an Ontario hospital where Rene was working as head nurse. By learning about the history of essiac tea, it will help you understand more about the sources you can and cannot trust when it comes to this wonderful herbal tea.

Dr. Charles BruschEight herb powdered essiac is the most proven formula available today.

The essiac recipe, containing eight herbs, was given to the this patient years before by an Ojibwa medicine man. He offered his help when he found out that the woman was suffering from breast cancer. The patient recovered from her cancer utilizing this recipe and saw no return of her cancer during the span of the next 30 years. 

Rene Caisse, upon hearing about this, was astounded at this seemingly miraculous recovery from breast cancer! In 1922 Rene requested to have the recipe of the herbal formula that the patient had used. Rene Caisse said that she believed the tea could be used to help others, too. 

As excited as Rene was about this formula, when the government gave approval for the start-up of a cancer clinic in Bracebridge, doctors soon learned there was only a 15-20% efficacy rate using the formula in it's present condition. After a few more years of research, doctors developed a version of the essiac formula that was partially administered by injection. This form of application yielded much more consistent results. However, the medical establishment rejected proposals to allow physicians across Canada to inject the formula, claiming that "herbs have no merit."

By 1959, Rene Caisse had become increasingly concerned that this valuable formula may be lost forever, since physicians couldn't inject this substance without government approval. Upon learning of this, Dr. Charles Brusch invited Rene Caisse to the Brusch Medical Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He wanted her to work alongside him in an attempt to develop an oral formula that carried at least the same efficacy level as the one that was to be partially administered by injection.

doctor charles bruschLeft, our friend and former co-worker Jack Gallant. Center, Dr. Charles Brusch.

Dr. Charles Brusch and Rene Caisse formally began their work together in his research facility in 1959. He claims that Rene Caisse gave him the "true original" formula, which contained a total of eight herbs (as compared to the partial four herb formula that she had signed over with contingencies to Resperin Corp).

The eight herb formula Rene Caisse revealed to Dr. Charles Brusch contained the "Resperin formula" which was four herbs: Blessed Thistle, Watercress, Kelp, and Red Clover, in addition to four additional herbs: Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm Bark, and Turkey Rhubarb Root. All of these herbs had been included in Caisse's most original essiac blend before she began experimenting with injections. Dr. Brusch performed eight years of clinical research on this eight herb essiac that was designed to be administered orally. He even took this formula himself when he fell ill with cancer. Brusch made the claim that essiac alone cured his cancer. 

Dr. Charles Brusch and Rene Caisse performed tests on mice, and also treated terminally ill patients with cancer under the watch of a team of eighteen doctors. Three months later, Dr. Brusch and Dr. Charles McClure, his research director, came to the conclusion that essiac "has been shown to cause a decided recession of the (cancer) mass, and a definite change in cell formation" in mice. 

Brusch also stated, "Clinically, on patients suffering from pathologically proven cancer, it reduces pain and causes a recession in the growth; patients have gained weight and shown an improvement in their general health...Remarkably beneficial results were obtained even on those cases at the "end of the road" where it proved to prolong life and the quality of that life...The doctors do not say that essiac is a cure, but they do say it is of benefit."

This eight herb oral essiac formula that came as a result of Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch's research has never been published so as to protect the accuracy and ethical usage of the formula. 

During a variety of clinical trials, Dr. Brusch and Rene Caisse tried administering essiac using capsules, tablets, tinctures, and other methods. The most successful method of administering essiac was found to be taking the brewed essiac in liquid form, which is what we call Essiac tea today. They determined the ideal brewing method for best results as well as the ideal form of herbs, which was to use powdered herbs.

Rene Caisse passed away in 1978, Elmer Gove in 1987, and Dr. Charles Brusch in 1993. There are only a handful of people today who know the ratios of this highly studied eight herb essiac formula. We are one of them. Click here to read more about it.

After reviewing the history of essiac, you will realize that four herb formulas were experimented with for a brief period of time, but were found to be inferior to eight herb formulas. Today, some websites falsely promote the four herb formula as the best there is, or even that it's the only "real essiac."

The reason many websites claim they have the "real" four herb essiac is because they are referencing a contract made between Rene Caisse and Resperin that was designed  purely for research purposes. The research was never conducted to specification. The first formula Rene Caisse used, and the one she kept, were both eight herb.

The fact is, four herb essiac was never preferred be Rene Caisse - and the original formula used on cancer patients in the early 1900s was an eight herb formula. The formula that resulted from the Brusch medical trials was also an eight herb formula. Why then do so many companies sell four herb essiac? It's because many companies do not know the eight herb formula, and therefore might simply try to sell you whatever they can (such as the four herb formula, since that formula is in the public domain).

Why Bulk Essiac Tea is the Only Company That Carries a Money Back Results Guarantee

At we carry only the eight herb formula developed by Dr. Charles Brusch and Rene Caisse, as we strongly believe that it is the most effective blend of herbs to consume. 

To summarize, those "in the know" use eight herb essiac. They will skip over the four herb essiac sold at too high a price by almost every health food store around.

Click here to contact us with any questions regarding Dr. Charles Brusch and his connection to the eight herb essiac we offer.

Purchase your own supply of essiac tea today. It's the same essiac Rene Caisse used.

Essiac tea takes just 10 minutes to prepare once every two weeks. It costs less than $1 per day to use.

adding cats claw to essiac tea

Click here to order our most popular size of essiac: the six month supply at aggressive/improvement of health serving size. It lasts 9 months at the maintenance serving size.

cats claw essiac

If you'd rather start with a smaller supply of essiac, you can purchase it here. This lasts two months at the aggressive/improvement of health serving size, or three months at the maintenance serving size.

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