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Essiac Ingredient Red Clover is Rich in Isoflavones

Red clover is a source of many valuable nutrients, and is also considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones. The isoflavones isolated from this herb have been studied for their effectiveness in treating some forms of cancer.

essiac herb red clover

Essiac tea must contain red clover to maximize potential benefit. This herb is a wild plant used as grazing food for livestock. Historically it has been used to treat a wide array of conditions, including cancer, mastitis (inflammation of the breast), joint disorders, jaundice, bronchitis, coughing, asthma, and skin inflammations, such as psoriasis and eczema. Eight herb essiac contains red clover - it's the most up-to-date version of essiac, as endorsed by Rene Caisse. Four herb essiac is the outdated formula and does not include red clover.

red clover essiac

Red clover in essiac promotes urine and mucous production, the secretion of bile, and improved circulation, which may "purify" the blood. It's also known for improving circulation, and stimulating the secretion of bile. Recently, specific chemicals found in this herb known as isoflavones, have been isolated and tested for their effectiveness in treating a variety of conditions. Red clover is also considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones (water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens and are found in many plants). It is thought that the isoflavones prevent the proliferation of cancer cells and that they may even destroy cancer cells. Furthermore, isoflavones have shown promise in the management of a number of conditions associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, cardiovascular health, and the bone loss associated with osteoporosis.

Menopause increases a woman's risk for developing cardiovascular disease. Supplementation with isoflavones has been associated with an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, or "good" cholesterol in pre- and postmenopausal women. Also, one recent study found that menopausal women taking red clover supplements experienced a significant improvement in the strength and resilience of the arterial walls. This lowers a woman's risk for heart disease.

This herb also may reduce the severity and number of hot flashes in menopausal women.
Red clover may slow the bone loss common at this age and may even improve bone mineral density.

Besides being a good source of isoflavones, red clover includes the minerals calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, and thiamine. It is also a rich source of vitamin C. It is also valued for its ability to loosen phlegm and calm bronchial spasms. Red clover is one of the crown jewels of the essiac tea formula. 

Now that you've learned about red clover, click here to see the other essiac tea ingredients.

Special Note About Red Clover as it Interacts in our Essiac Formula

Some people with certain types of cancers are concerned with the potential effect on estrogen levels with red clover. The isoflavones present in food are different than what you get with estrogen-replacement therapy, which has been linked to cancer. Two of the most common conditions people report great results with are breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Read more about red clover and it's impact on estrogenic cancers here. You can read testimonials from customers of ours with a variety of health issues here (listed in alphabetical order by condition). You can read this study which explains that the isoflavones found in soy are believed to be protective against cancer.1 

In the eight herb Essiac formula, the concentration of Genistein which is the phytochemical in Red Clover inhibits the estrogen receptors in tumors. This makes the endogenous estrogen unable to compete with said receptors and make them grow.

Purchase your own supply of essiac tea today. It's the same essiac Rene Caisse used.

Essiac tea takes just 10 minutes to prepare once every two weeks. It costs less than $1 per day to use.

adding cats claw to essiac tea

Click here to order our most popular size of essiac: the six month supply at aggressive/improvement of health serving size. It lasts 9 months at the maintenance serving size.

cats claw essiac

If you'd rather start with a smaller supply of essiac, you can purchase it here. This lasts two months at the aggressive/improvement of health serving size, or three months at the maintenance serving size.

1 Intake of Soy, Soy Isoflavones and Soy Protein and Risk of Cancer Incidence and Mortality. Yahui Fan, Wang M., Li Z. et al. Front Nutr. 2022; 9: 847421. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.847421

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